Chapter 6

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Hey everyone! Vickironica here. So apparently in the next chapter there's a little PruCan and in this chapter there's Spamano. Spamano is literally my OTP and I love it so much and it's also canon! Yay~ So there's some ships that will be mentioned but I don't think there's too many.

Also, apparently some characters like Russia, China, and France don't speak too much. I couldn't think of anything for them to say, they're just there to help. It's explained in the chapter...

Well, hope you enjoy~!


"Alright. I want everyone to listen to me, or you'll probably get hurt. I don't think you guys can die easily, am I right?" Matt asked.

"Yes. Is it the same for you?" Canada whispered.

They were walking through a town that lead to the World Meeting place. Matt and Oliver lead them to a road that was rarely used to avoid suspicion. The whole town was shady.

Matt thought of something. "Wait. Doesn't that mean your Prussia will be alright?"

"Vhat are you talking about?" Germany stopped.

Matt was confused. "Prussia is a country too. He can heal and won't die as easily."

All of the countries except Oliver and Matt stopped.

"What's going on?!" Matt was worried now.

Germany was the one to tell them. "I don't know about your vorld, but Prussia from my vorld isn't a country anymore. Bruder's vounds still heal fast, but not as fast as zhey (they) used to. And he can die. Just not from old age."

". . . What?" Oliver and Matt were equally surprised. All of the other countries were silent.

After a moment of silence, Matt broke it. "All the more reason for us to hurry." And they continued on.

. . . . .

A couple minutes later, they had finally reached the building where Gilbert was. "Alright. We can't sneak around anymore so we're probably going to meet another country or two." Matt explained.

"Fine by us." Alfred was ready.

They all entered through the front door expecting to run into all their counterparts. Instead, only one person was there. Italy recognized him immediately.

"Fratello!" which made both Romano's look at him.

"Who are you? You look like my fratello, but I can tell you're not. He's not one to smile like- Oh my gosh! Spain, what have you done with your hair and clothes?! You look absolutely fabulous!" Flavio, Romano's reflection, noticed Antonio.

"Back off, fashion-bastard! He's mine!" Lovino told his reflection.

Antonio started to hug Lovino while saying, "Oh, Lovi! You do care!"

Shut up, tomato-bastard!" Romano turned as red as a ripe tomato.

"Ve need to get going." Germany reminded them of their mission.

"Oh yeah! Ciao, fratello!" Italy yelled.

Flavio was too busy thinking of Antonio to notice that something was wrong, so he wasn't a problem. After that, they found the entrance to the basement. It wasn't too hard to find with Oliver helping.

"You do know that he's not your fratello, right? I am." Romano explained to Italy.

"I know! But since he's you, and you are, maybe he's like our half brother." Feliciano made a good point.

Lovino crossed his arms. "Think what you want."

Nobody really had anything to say after that. Not even Alfred. A couple countries didn't say a word the whole trip so far. They didn't really know him, they were just here to help.

"Hold it right there." An Italian voice came from behind them.

"Oh, um, Luciano! Hello!" Oliver, and the rest, turned around to see Feliciano's look-a-like. Other than Romano, that is.

"Vhat are you doing here, Oliver?" Ludz, Germany's reflection, asked.

Oliver started to reach for his knife. "Somebody asked me for a favor and I happened to owe them a debt."

"You're a poor excuse for a country." Kyo, Japan's other self, told him.

"I'll show you a poor excuse!" Oliver brought out his knife into view.

"Whoa, dude! Did you always have that with you?!" Alfred was worried about how safe those cupcakes were from earlier.

All of the countries on the other side brought out their weapons. There was another Italy, Japan, Germany, Russia, China, and France. Matt and most of the countries who came to save Prussia brought out a weapon, or just started to punch people. Kiku had his katana. Ivan had his magic metal pipe of pain. England had his magic. America punched with his "hero fists" or whatever he called them.

And then there was Belarus. She brought out an endless supply of knifes and started chucking them at the enemies. It definitely surprised them, if anything.

Canada, China, France, Italy, Romano, and Spain stayed back and watched the fight. They weren't much of a fighter and Spain wouldn't stop "protecting" Romano. France just didn't want to ruin his clothes.

The fight was over fairly quickly, with the good team winning. For being murderers, they went down easily. When none of the evil countries were moving and laying on the ground, they continued.

But Canada thought he heard Luciano whisper, "Perfect. Just as planned." Living in a country where all people whisper, he could hear quite well. But that was impossible. Luciano was knocked out.

Far away from the enemies, Matthew pushed that thought out of his head for the moment.

Matt brought something up as well. "They went down way too easily. I doubt they were using their full strength. No, I'm sure they weren't using their full strength. There must be a trap ahead."

Dudes, that is totally not good.!" Alfred stated the obvious, because that's what Alfred does. "But don't worry! I'll protect you all because I'm the hero! Hahahahahaha~!" Alfred does that too.

"Be quiet." Oliver still had his knife out.

"Whoa dude! Sorry! Alfred didn't know how to talk quietly.

Matt whispered to Matthew, "Is he always this annoying?"

"Yeah. Sorry about that." Matthew apologized.

"We're here." Oliver replied to Alfred.

"It's about time." China spoke for the first time in a long time.

It was true. Up ahead the very long hallway opened up into a large space. As they got closer, they saw cells.

Matt was just as surprised as everyone else. "How come I was never informed of this place?!"

"Simple. Only the G8 knew about this place." Oliver replied.

"Are you telling me that Allen knows about this place and never told me?!" Matt made a fist with his hand.

But his question was never answered, because they heard chains move. They followed the sound to find yet another problem.

"What are both Prussias down here?!" Matthew yelled as loud as he could, which wasn't really loud.

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