Chapter 2

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I had woken up to the quiet sound of people half heartedly packing everything they had brought with them in small bags. I notice that the sun was shining through the hole in the wall. Why am I in the safe cave?....
I remembered! I had left Abby out there alone! I had forgot addy in her moment of fear! How could I have been such an idiot?!? How could i have forgotten what happen last time I had ran away from something and left someone behind?!?! Please tell me I haven't lost Addy like I had with Adam! Please no! I can't lose Addy too! I shoot out my pad ,that I slept on ,and ran out the door to see ,what I could  describe as the scene of a horror film. The earlier bright green grass of the other day had turn into patches of dirt and trampled grass covered in dried and fresh bloody that gleamed with the rising sun's light making sparkle like dew. There were trees that were knocked over and some have claw marks that marked the site of a of rogue fight, but only one person I knew who could cause such damage as this and she was gone from sight. I couldn't see my old friend anywhere. All I saw was pack members taking leave of the cave in mourning silence on their way to there buried homes. I couldn't take this. I need Addy, but I couldn't find her. Where was she!!!
I sniffed in the smells of blood, dirt, grass, eEvergreen trees, oak trees, and the strong smell of Addy's fight (sweat, blood mixed in and staining the earth with irony,salty scent). I start to follow the trail of blood that lead away from everyone. I didn't care. I couldn't care. I couldn't leave Addy alone again. I kept going till I spotted 2 forms of the warriors in Addy's group; Chase and Allan.
"W-where's Addy?" My voice come out as a whisper with fear clinging to each word I had spoken.
They both snapped there calculated gaze at me like they didn't notice I was there... Odd . Very odd. Well thanks top warriors for making feel so much better! Note the sarcasm. My heart was literally about fly out of chest if they didn't respond soon!
"She's alive!" Chase say in a fake light tone with a hint of worry, well dang it! Now I have to remember how to breathe!
Allen slapped Chases head," We don't know much ,but we saw her wolf fighting another bigger wolf than hers and they kept going this way. We have 3 other men and women going after her right now. They should be here a.." He was cut of by the sound of a howl. The howl of that you make when you find a clue. I ran toward it even before them. Well that was a first..
I started to run even faster then I had last night. Maybe she was wrong, maybe you run faster toward your love ones more then you do when you run from your fears..
Chase and Allen  catch up with me with ease. I figured out Allen was going to be the one I was stuck with, when Chase started faster and faster till I could no longer see him any more. The air started to stink with more fresh blood then before, from 2 wolfs. Both held a strong scent. One was like a tropical forest with a strong waterfall that makings a refreshing scent , while the other was more of plain earth tones of an oak tree forest with camellias.
I knew the first one well enough that I didn't have a doubt in my mind that it could be anyone else.
I finally caught up with chase when I saw a bleeding form leaning on its scratched raw knees with claw marks covering almost every part of its strong legs and arms. You couldn't even tell what her skin or hair color was with all the dirt and blood covering her form. But I knew it was Addy, I was certain and that made my wolf whin.
I could believe that this ripped and torn figure was Addy. Addy was too strong to get hurt like this.. But I have been wrong before. I was too stun that I couldn't move nor speak, I was lucky that I was still breathing .
It looked like she was talking to my dad who had turn pale as a ghost, I couldn't tell of it was because of what she had said or because of how badly torn apart she looked. I looked around to see the other men and the 2 other tough women looking pale. Why would they look like this?
My dad looked at me with the most conflict gaze I have ever beheld. His calm, warm, powerful gaze had turned cold with fear and worry eating away at him to his core.
"A--addy.... What hap-peened-d?" My voice was shaky as a piece of paper try to be balance long side up.
The figure had finally looked up, Addy's eyes had burned with something I have never known. Her face was like a clear  sheet of paper. It was like I finally saw Addy clearly. Her eyes shining goldish- olive of worry, fear, brokenness, loneliness, and so many other intense emotions in her wide eyes that I had backed up at little with surprise. I had never seen her so open and vulnerable like this before. Her face was clawed and there on her neck was what look like someone had tried to bite her there. What could have brought the great mighty knights to look like scared cowards?

(Did this in 2018)

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