Chapter 5

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POV Beta of Dark Forest
I watch amused as my new Luna, or as her old alpha said Alpha Female chased her friend like a predator wanting to see blood. I was still rubbing my ears as I look at my best friend and Alpha watch his mate jump out a window like a professional.
We're definitely not going to have anymore boring days. I grin at the thought. Wait, I might since my buddy found his mate.... Dang it...
I look around to see my pack mates rubbing their ears, while the other pack seemed more amused or annoyed like this is something that happens regularly.
"Uh Alpha , don't feel bad. I think she does that a lot since her pack," he glared disapproving which I smirked at," I'm so sorry! I meant her old pack! Oh please Alpha please forgive me! Oh what shall I ever do?" I plop a French fry in my mouth as I see a slight smile on his face as he shakes his head.
"Maybe you could be silent for once?" He joked, because he knows that's never happening.
"Nah, anyway as I was saying, her old pack doesn't seemed much phased by this." I point out.
"Yeah this happens when Addy decides she wants nothing to do with people and gets too absorbed in her book she forget that she not their and stops eating," some guy in the office during the meeting spoke behind us. When did he get their? Am I losing my awareness?
"So she's anti-social?" One of my pack mates ask.
That makes the Carmel skin guy with honey coated eyes and brown hair smile with the shake of his head," no , not really. She just doesn't like new people who don't have a certain aura as she puts it. Also she had an overwhelming week like all of us and needs a break. She doesn't hate you Alpha dude, but y'all 2 meet at the worst possible time. She has to hold the weight of her own burdens and Ally's that's why she nearly rip your head off in the meeting. She is really is a sweet and kind person with a golden heart, but just like gold it also strong as can be cold as stone. Not everything is simple, and you might as well never meet a more complex person," the dude told us like we were talking about something everyday topic. Maybe she was in their book?
"When will they be back?" My alpha tried to not sound concern and nearly succeeded.
The guy caught on as well as we shared a look.
"Don't know. Those 2 come and go like nobodies business. We once tried to figure out where they go, but we failed. We think that since this buildings and the barn, that's were we store our supplies, are old that their might be old rooms that we have long forgotten that Addy had found to be by herself when she first come to us."
My alpha was about to ask about something, but the guy was called over by his friend of warriors I think.
"First came here? Meaning she wasn't born her?" He asked confused.
I realize our pack had ignored us since we were talking to someone else and was now in their own conversations.
I shuts my shoulders," he did say she was complex." With that I went to my delicious food.


POV Addy
Ally had gotten tired and went to bed awhile ago. I had convinced her that I was alright, but she knew that meant I just want to be alone.
It's just one of my many old habits that I just can't get rid of. I groin as I let my head hit the old hay in barn as I look out the old window that I replace a few months ago. The old one was to broken and moldy to fix. I smile at remembering how confused everyone was when the leeks in the barn stop.
I watch the stars behind the many vast trees. The moon was on the other side of the barn, but I didn't really care. I just want to be alone I guess. Its be years since I have been truly alone, but I still can't adjust.
I'm grateful that had found this pack and mainly Ally, but sometimes it gets overwhelming. Specially today. I have found my mate and he is some hunk of a Alpha who needs to be put in his place in my opinion. Still hunky, I wonder if he has freckles everywhere?
Darn it! Stop thinking!
I shake my head than regret it. I shook my shoulder where that cursive rogue bite me still was sore, but is healed like everything else. I think my mate's pack is shocked by that, but my body is more use to healing major and minor wounds than theirs are. I let my breathe out. What would my mom say to me now if she was alive?
I felt the tears try to flood the dam in my eyes, but I swallow it like I always do. Just another habit, don't let what really goes on in your head be noticed by others.
I felt my heart tighten. My mom would say don't be a fool and where your heart on your sleeve so you know where it is and is easier to fix after its broken and if it doesn't break it won't echo through your core to the rest of your body.
My dad would say do what you think is right and stay true to yourself, but I don't know who I am anymore. I have lost my way and who I am. I don't know what I should or will do anymore. My life is out of wack that I'll just their pack along with me in a dark whole that's going swallow everything thing else I have held on to.
I left my hand to pull on the golden heart lock it that's cold to the touch. Was this what they meant by golden hearted people? And the the cold heart? Or the heart of a stone?
Metal is a good conductor that can be able to bring feeling in from other and information to them, but is also get cold and hot rather easily.
It may be pretty and nice to look at,but it easily chipped, heated, and cold.
I look up at the sky and found Orion's Belt Star consolation. I remember when my dad taught me to find it and how he point to the norther star so I'll never be lost, but now I am and the North Star can't help me now. I'm failing my father. He gave up his life for mine, but I have wasted it and now I'm to afraid to speak to my own mate. I fell just like I was on the day of the attack. I could sense him and smell him during that night, but I didn't know what that meant. It terrified me that their ways something different out their that I could explain and made my stomach lighten in a funny way while my heart raced with anticipation. I thought I was about to meant a worst fate, the fate of my death and leaving behind a broken Ally. I couldn't-can't- leave her after that night. I didn't realize what it really meant after I was pinned by the rogue and before I could react a huge wolf come out of the shadows and grabbed him then through him away like nothing. The worst part was watching him tear the rogue apart. I could do anything, I was froze. I was disconnect from my wolf again as I watch a Alpha tearing apart a rogue who was force to attack. I didn't matter that he was mate at that moment, because I had thought of that moment I would have been more afraid.
I was stuck in a time where that was my everyday life.
Wake up before dawn
Develop endurance
Develop healing
Tracker training
Assassin/Spy training
If you did good you get dinner,  than lights out
The pain my should is nothing compare to what I endure though that.
I closed my eyes listening to the night and slept here to pretend that I'm alone again. That I'm free from anyone and anything. That I'm my own person free to do as I please.
The last thought I had was a copper-head freckled Alpha.

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