Chapter 6

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  "Did anyone ever tell you how adorable you look when you sleep," I heard a baritone voice that made my stomach feel weird and my chest pound with insecurities again. Ugh! I hate this feeling! This way to early in the mornin' for this. Please, just go away!
I don't think the guy got the message from my attempt to telepathically make my annoying mate to go away and leave me to sleep. I felt the hay sort of change position and my angry grew. No one, I mean no one, not even Ally sits or even touch MY HAY STACK! My rage fueled me enough to open my eyes to meet a rather lazy happy, innocent eyes of a stupid Alpha that I'm going to enjoy whipping that care-free face of when he dare touch my hay stack. I glared with as much fire as I can, I then growled, swinged one of my legs at is giant butt that is touching my hay. I kicked and fell off. I layer on my hay still glaring at his surprised eyes," never, I mean ever touch my hay." I growled each word with the angry at myself for my unless and lost feelings  I had the night before.
The Alpha just looked at it before stating this brilliant (eye roll) statement," Okay, Okay your not a morning person I got that, but was it really necessary to kick your own mate's but that you enjoy later?" I saw that smirk coming on his lips way before he finished. I think my glare got deadlier because he looked like he was starting to regret saying that.
Wait , is this my time of month are am I just grumpy because of this odd feeling he makes me feel. I want to ask why I feel this damn way, but their was no way I'll ask him. Don't know about Ally. Well the my Alpha (Ally's dad) is like my dad since he adopted me to his family, but he's not my real dad and my real alpha so that to awkward. The Luna is dead. I don't want my warrior group to think I'm weak if this is not normal. The nurse might take me of doing anything again if they think I'm sick. Sheesh I have no one.
"Penny for-"
"No," I flip over and tried to go back to sleep.
"You know I'm not leaving this room till you get up," he says and I could hear him sit. What's even doing?
I lift my body upwards then when back down then point at the door, I think...
"That's not what I meant, and that's the window," well it's close enough...
He sighs and my wolf stirs in my mind.
I can't let my wolf win or I might do something I'll regret.
I was half wake and half a sleep when I felt him stroke my hair and I wish I could say I hated it, but that not true.....
It felt good, because the warm of his hand seeped into more pores of my skin. I was so use to cold night that I forgotten what warmth felt like in the mornin'. It nearly remind me of my brother did. I have trouble sleeping mostly because of the time my brother promise to stay with me and not get himself killed. He stayed with me, but right before I went to deep sleep he said he was sorry and good-bye. I can't fight the sleep as I took me way from my brother as he walked to his death. That mornin' his friend made sure to take me as far away as he could. He promise my brother to keep me save. To keep me from looking back. I blame his death and brother's on myself, because I couldn't fight something. My brother's best friend died during winter after the other rogues attack us. He was too cold, hungry, and hurt to heal. I did everything I could I went with out food trying to get him to eat to regain strength and everything I could remember my mom taught me to heal him. I have my warmth and blankets, almost everything I could think of to keep him warm. It nearly work. He nearly made it through winter. I could have save him, but those stupid rogues came again and I tried and tried to drag him with me. I did everything I could, but it was all for nothing. He died when I was dragging him because he lost his warmth. Maybe had I stop to think of warming him, he would have been alive. He would have liked this pack, maybe even my mate. He once told me that he remind me of his little sister who died at a young age, he said if he could done anything to save her he would. So he did the same for me, he did everything in his power to save me. When he was dying, he kept trying to get me to run for myself and let him go. To stop starving myself to get him stronger. To stop wasting time to save someone who's meet to die, but just like I was like his sister who he'd do anything to save, he was like my brother that I would have done anything to save.
The Strange Alpha stopped stoking my head,"What's wrong?"
Oh no, is my face scrunched up? Dang it. I sat up giving up on sleep.
"How did you get here and why?"
He went from concerned to what can only be awkward teenager a in a adult body in seconds that I was impressed. He scratches his freckle neck.
"I, uh, notice you never come back to the house and, uh, might of kind of panicked and nearly through my beta out of the guests-room's window so we could see if you were alright," he kept rambling and his pale face kept getting redder and redder, it was adorable. " -so after nearly dying in the river we found your scent to the barn and since we were mates I can smell you scent stronger than others and it lead us here." He looked down like a child who was caught doing something wrong,which was hilarious for a giant guy who was built like a perfect soldier to be kiddish. I just couldn't resist pinching his cheeks that sent shocks through out my body. He didn't have chubby cheeks but it was funny to see his complete pause than his eyes slowly went from the ground to my eyes and than his eyebrow go up in a perfect arch. Dang it! How does he do that?! If I do that it looks so creepy and half of my other brow goes up too.
"What are your doing?" His voice was a little different since I was still playing with his red cheeks.
"I think you just sunburned yourself with embarrassment. Now where's that beta of yours that you nearly got killed twice," that made him blush harder and made him frown. I don't know how but it made him even more childish and I really wanted to laugh.
"He fell asleep the minute he sat down on a pile of hay," he spoke look out the door that separates my little room from the rest of the top floor," are you going to keep let go of my cheeks now?" Yup he's childish. Just by the way he spoke and face expression I could tell. I did a granny pinch then pull and on habit of what I do with children I kiss the exact spots were I pinch him. Which this stupid action made both of us freeze and tense up. Now it my turn for my natural tan skin to flare up and my eyes light to a warm brown.
"Hey y'all awak--ke, you know what I think I left, uh, my pen? Yes my pen on the-the thingy table? Yes I have to go to get my pen on the thingy table uh in that direction.." The man who was beta of Dark Forest pack stumbled over his words as he had realize he might of interfered with this Alpha's moment. Know their always a reason why i don't socialize in the mornings because I can't filter what I'm about to say. So I say the first thing on my mind. It gets me in trouble a lot...
"A pen on thingy table? Mind explainin' what's a thingy table in a barn?" It come out before I could stop myself and my imperfect eyebrow raise was up in my sassy mornin' thoughts that make no since.
The beta just looked so troubled and stuck, that I think his brain shut down. His friend, my mate, look conflict on who to be mad at. Wow Addy way to go, it's just the 2nd day they know you and you already made a fool of yourself!
"Sorry, I don't think before I speak in the mornin'," I scratch my neck and look out to see how late it is.
"Does your pack know your here?" I question looking at the many people looking every where.
"Uh, " my mate clears his voice," no......."
Great. Perfection.
"Okay well you two are leaving now before my friend starts to think of anything and my adopt father has a heart-attack and your few warriors you brought tears down this barn.
With that they left. I wait a while before leaving myself.
Well this was an odd morning.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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