Chapter 3

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My friends voice saying my name kept vibrating through my head. I had never seen nor heard her so vulnerable and broken before.
I finally got to see the real her, only to realize the tough statue was a cover for her brokenness.
She had told me that we had gotten a message from The Dark Forest pack, but something change theirs alpha's mind. The pack was being attack and he help us out and later made my father, the alpha of our pack have a meeting with him.
They wouldn't tell me why for days, but I had an idea. Addy was 'required' to go since she had recovered a pretty good amount.
I also learned that it was originally the rogues  ,that killed her family and her closes friends when she was still a rogue. Then the Dark Forest pack had arrived and started to help us out... Then tell us a message, but then something changed that.
Meanwhile I sat at lonely chair in an old room that was forgotten, while my dad and best friend was having a meeting with the alpha of a dangerous pack.
I huddled in my blanket blocking out the world as I try to build a strong face for my pack. I can not cry, or worried in front of them now, nor can I look weak with another pack here.
I hugged my legs to my chest and let a heavy breath out. I can't lose Addy to him... I'm not dumb.
No alpha , specially like him, would help another pack he wanted ,when they were attacked by rogues, with out a reason.
After I saw Addy so vulnerable I had looked for the wolf that she fought and instead I found a scatter of what use to be a body with another strong scent around it.
Addy would never do something like that, because she's seen to much of it from her rogue years and swore to never do that. She hated ending others life with out a good reason, that why if she had to, she'll try to make it as painless and quick as she can possibly can.
I take a deep breath as I look over the facts, everything concludes that Addy was mates with that dangerous Alpha. I feel my chest tighten and my lungs burn as my eyes waters. All of my sisters and brothers are either dead or to young to know what's going on, but that's not the worst part. My mother had been killed. We founded her just long enough to say are good byes. My mother, my older siblings, and know my closes friend is moving and leaving me behind. I know she'll try to convince them to stay with me during this hard time. She knows that after the others are dead, she the only other person who full understands me. My dad thinks he knows me, but he doesn't know the whole depth of me.
I felt a anger scratching tearing sob fight to take over and this time I can't fight it.
I'm going to lose Addy.
I have lost my older siblings and my mom.
I'm going to be the next Alpha or Luna, depending who my mate was.
I have to be strong and stern for my younger siblings, my dad, and my pack.
I have to become a stronger fighter and defender, I have to work on my speed.
I have to let go of my own pains and troubles and focus on my pack.
The wallows become hard and louder as it becomes a full out body rocking wails.
I realize how terrible of a friend I was to Addy. I thought she was strong , fearless, unbreakable, and unstoppable. But no she was a broken soul who saw to much, a person who hid her emotions to survive, who forgot herself and only the need to survive, than she meet us and the other rogues and start to protect them with all she could. She went from selfish to selfless in matter of days for others. She soon over looked herself and focus on others. I smile a little realizing how good a alpha female she is. I refuse calling her Luna because that does not define her. She would literally give up her life for others.
I thought of what she's probably doing during the meeting. Oh she's definitely making hell for those men. She'll probably have staring-glaring at everyone that bring gooeybumb like she could see into your mind and soul, and if she want to , she'll tear apart till she gets what she wants. She would also have her arms crossed over her chest while leaning on the door to make it known that no ones is leaving till she gets what she wants. My dad ,while probably have vacant eyes that sort of twinkle with amusement at her determination and stubbornness of not leaving behind her best friend in this hard time. Maybe he'll have a ghost of a smile too. Oh don't forget the proudness of what his adopted daughter had turned out , that was basically doing what a good lu-Alpha Female would do. Sheesh if that alpha or his pack calls her Luna their going to have run for their dear little lifes.
I hadn't realized that I had stopped crying and was laugh with a goofy grin at the image of dear stubborn friend.
I sighed, I'm going to miss her, specially now that I have to be so strong with everyone's eyes on me.
"And here I thought I'll find you wrapped in a crying burrito with stuff animals surounding you," a voice that I'll always know and love.
"I was, but than I thought of you being stubborn and determined to staying here ,while glaring at your mate, who's an Alpha who doesn't like disrespect, might I add. While my dad just let you do what you do best with pride and amusement. Did he take a video for me?" I ask jokingly after I notice how stiff and uncomfortable she got.
She smiled lightly,"yeah we made you a video of the big bad wolf being brought down by his mate."
I laugh a little," How about we watch it than?" I fake my enthusiasm making her finally laugh.
" oh I so wish I could make a big tough alpha know he meet his match and he lost, but sadly the grumpy dude decided that it was to embarrassing," she faked sadness and disappointment with a smile trying to fight to overcome her lips.
I laugh and make a dramatic disappointed sigh," well you failed missy."
This makes us both laugh and after a while we both just joke around as her shell cracks just for me like it always does when I make her laugh.
After awhile were silent, but surprisingly enough. She was the one who broke it.
"You know I'm going to miss messing around with you in a few weeks," she so casually gave away the information that she got what she wanted from 2 alphas.
I just jump up smirking," how the heck do you manage these things?!?"
Seriously she needs to teach me.
She only smirk back," It a secret ."
"Pleasaaaaaaase!" I whine while dramatically collapsed on her lap and she cover her ear, faking  annoyance .
"Oh fine it's called the wonders of a protective dad over your friend and a mate bond to one of the conflicts alphas."
I laugh at her than asked,"by the way, where's this big bad alpha wolf that's so happened to be your mate?" I ask with raised eyebrows. Her cheeks flashed a little then looked way.
"Tell me now!" I asked jumping on her,"or I'll tickle you on your only ticklish spot!"
"A-ally! You- wait you would dang it. Well after me nearly about to kill him and him about to rip me from the door and smashing the door to pieces, he made up a lie that he'll stay for a while to help us check on our security measures after I threaten them to make them this pack their ally."
I look at my dear friend and imaging all that happening and a smile start to creep on my face,"You are a brilliant soul that I never doubted. What did you threat with? Knowing you you'll threaten death, even though you don't like killing for little reasons."
She looks away with flushed cheeks.
Darn it this has to be juicy! But before I could get any answers we were informed on dinner soon through the pack link.
"WAIT WE HAVE BEEN HERE FOR HOURS! What the heck! We need to go see your mate, by that I mean I want to see him and throw you in his arms." With that I dragged her out the abandoned room through old halls till we were out side near the forest than around the barn to the pack house that had new wolves about, they must be Dark Forest members.
They look a little frantic than they saw us with relief. So mister Alpha was wondering where is Alpha Female was. I grinned evilly in my mind as I casually dragging a impassive faced Addy who was slightly tense with nervousness. At that I grinned. Oh my little strong friend who had no idea idea what to do with an Alpha mate.
After walking into the house our- my pack and her soon to be old pack smiled at us. other giving Addy mischief smirks, winks, pats on the back, and my favorite, the scarred half worried to death looks.
Finally we reach our favorite hang out, the kitchen. I grab a box and got a sweet snacky cakes thing wrapped in plastic. I took one and have the other half to Addy.
"So ready to find that mate of yours?" I asked cheerfully as she glared at me displeased as she slowly took a bite of her snack and allowed me to drag her around the house while she focused on her precious food.
"Uh Ally may we find a trash can next?" she asked asked causally with the wrap.
"Sure," I rolled my eyes as I followed her, when the office door opened and nearly hit her.
Yup, this will be entertaining.
She kick the door,"You nearly hit me dimwit!" She said with a rage that'll chill normal wolves to the bone. I don't know how, but she does it.
The person who open the door caught it than moved out of the way so I could have a perfect view of this mighty handsome stranger with a lifted eyebrow before answering  Addy's fury with an amused vioce, "Sorry didn't see you there. To be honest I thought you would be of some where torturing something."
"Oh she was , that'll be my pitiful lose of entertainment," I spoke automatically making the stranger realize I was their too. Wow I'm invisible!
My dad and our beta and other strangers come out of the office along with other familiar faces.
Specially Jim who frowned and past Dany a $20 bill. I chuckle as I realized they bet on this. Dany look up at me with thank you grin and thumbs up.
"Sheesh it's only be about a day and your already betting numbskulls?" I swear heard amusement in Addy's disbelief," Great now I lost a bet.."
  That made her group of warriors and myself laugh as the strangers look at us weirdly or entertained faces.
"Do you guys always bet on this?" Addy's mate who's also the stranger's Alpha asked.
and a variety of 'yes's, 'yeah's, and 'pretty much's answered him.
"It help us entertain ourselves," I explain as my dad shakes his head.
"Well let's head to dinner unless Addy wants to find away to escape social interactions with the annoying idiotic angery faced strange wolves."
To which Addy eyes shiny wickly with a sweetly sicking smile that made anyone who look to long's stomach twist," First of all, you left the curse words and the best parts of the brilliant name I gave them. Secondly, Ally will chew my hand of if I did. Third of all, I got something to take care of." And with that she left with me grooming and running of to get her.

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