She Will

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She Will

Oh children never fear

For what you’re about to hear

Is a prayer

Not a curse

But if you miss a single verse

A single word

Any mistake you make

She will know

That’s when you have a problem

Because be she far or be she near

She will hear

And come to take

You, who a mistake make

From your bed at night

And you will never again

Hear nor see

That which you deem to be yours

You family, your friends

You shall see never again

Not even your name will remain yours

Your one and only name

What defines the life in your veins

It will never be known to you again

So children, beware

Of that nasty, frightful fear

She will know you know

And creep

Creep from the deep

To take what is yours and keep

It all locked away in the deep

Away from you

Away from me

She will

But children, never fear

Recite the poem

Say the spell

I wish you well

Every night say the words

They will keep her away

Children beware

Never get it wrong

Or she will come

Then all hope will be gone

As you will be when she creeps

In your room at night

If you do not recite

A smirk on her lips

A glint in her eyes

She’ll whisper “Goodbye”

Her eyes wide with glee

“You’ll never be free”

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