Cause I'm a Hungry Bear

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Cause I’m a Hungry Bear

Oh no, lookey there

What do mine eyes detect?

Something large and furry?

Something large and groaning?

                                                                        Oh yay, lucky me,

                                                                        Looks like it’s time for me to feast

                                                                        Something small and squirmy

                                                                        It’ll fit perfect in my tummy

Oh no, it’s coming close

Grumbling, gurgling,

Scarier than a ghost

Blood curls in fear: he’s here

                                                                        I watch them shiver

                                                                        I watch them shake

                                                                        All the better to watch and wait

                                                                        But soon enough, I’ll dine

                                                                        I’ll gorge this mouth of mine

                                                                        Bit by bit, I’ll eat until

                                                                        There’s nothing left of my kill

                                                                        You better be scared

It’s a-

                                                                        Cause I’m a-

                                    BIG OLE HUNGRY BEAR                                                                    

                                                                        But you ought to know,

                                                                        I don’t like meat

                                                                        My favorite treat is

                                                                        Little girls

It’s worse than a bear

It’s my biggest fear

The big, and dreaded



I can't believe I wrote a poem on Pedobear xD

Flowers in the SnowOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora