Make Me Your Murderer

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Make Me Your Murderer

Make me your murderer

Let me cut you deep

I’ll leave my mark on you,

One you’ll never get to see

Make me your murderer,

Let me see your colors

I’ll leave you tonight,

Make sure you don’t tell others

Make me your murderer,

Let me be there as you slip away,

I’ll suck the blood and tears from your lips

Give me your last words

So will you make me your murderer?

Please give me an answer,

A simple “yes,” or, “no”

Not that your answer matters, you know

I will be your murderer

I’ll cut you deep, your body will weep

Don’t worry my dear, no one will hear

No one will know until morning

I will be your murderer

I’ll stand over you, silver in my hand

What did you do to deserve this, you ask?

Nothing at all, I just want you last

It doesn’t matter what you say or do

The victim here is me, not you

So don’t cry, don’t weep

I made myself your murderer

But I can’t see the love pouring from you veins

I can’t hear the love as you say me name

I took your last, and now I ask

“Why did you leave me alone?”

I made myself your murderer,

But now I’m all alone

Look at the blood from my arm,

Can you see the love in it?

I spill my love onto the floor

Out it pours, more and more

I made myself your murderer,

And now I’ll leave the red

I made myself your murderer,

Will you wait for me with the dead?

Every drop of love brings me closer to you

So wait for me, okay?

I won’t be long now,

Look, I’m











You didn’t wait

It’s dark here

All because

I made a murderer


A little bit I started writing during my lunch break at school, and I expanded on~  I'm rather happy with how it turned out..... as you can tell, I was bored :P 

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