His Neko, Dog Days {VIII}

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I was with the servants including Angela. Finny was staring at Angela and I knew he had a crush. I was glad to have a cloak on to hide my cat features. Angela would've found me out if I didn't hide my features and that wouldn't be so good. I thought she was gone. Angela turned to me and gave a warm smile. I knew that was fake but I still returned a warm smile.

|time skip|

It was late and it was the perfect time to explore. I crept out and around in the smelly night. Dogs were barking but I had to ignore them. Though everything smelled of dog, there was one scent that stood out. It's faint but still there. A faint smell of corpses were in the air. My ears flattened under my hood when I heard a howl. It's no different than any old howl but when this howl came, the other dogs were silent. My ears flicked. "What the..." I was cut off by a glowing figure running across the field a little further away from me. It looked like a regular dog but glowing. The glowing dog left glowing paw prints. I heard the villagers' cries of worry and anger. I ran to my young master and Sebastian. They were with the servants. Barrymore was there. He looked angry. I narrowed my eyes at the corpse they surrounded and ran off. I followed the glowing paw prints but it soon disappeared. I gave a low growl.

|time skip|

I have been searching for awhile now but nothing much came up. Everything looked the same. My ears perked up when I caught the cheering of the villagers. "Punish the bad dog! Punish the bad dog!" I looked to where the chanting was coming from and my eyes widened. "Young master!" I quickly ran in the direction of the chanting. I stayed where I can see what's going on but where I can't be seen by the villagers. They held dogs that looked ready to attack. When they released the chains, I ran in front of them. The dogs stopped and growled at me. The villagers gasped. My fangs grew and I glared at the dogs. Leave my master alone, meow!

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