His Neko, Icy Misery {XI}

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I was walking around the snow festival with the young master and my savior. We passed by many stores and shops. I looked to a store that had a black crystal. "It's the rare, unlucky charm! It's what everyone knows it as the black jeweled luck!" The lady behind the counter said. That's no "black jeweled luck"! The real gem is in my possession. It couldn't have fallen from my locket and ended up here. Plus, when someone finds it, they wouldn't sell it. I turned to my young master. He was talking to Sebastian about the Noah's Arc boat crafted by Funtom when it was still a craft studio. We then bumped into one of the yards. "Abberline? London must be secured if a yard is frolicking around the festival." Master said. "I'm not frolicking around, I'm on an important mission!" He retorted. The young master turned and started off while Sebastian and I followed. The man ran after my master and reached out to him. I smacked his hand away and hissed. "Apologies. My master is fragile. I mean sensitive. Please do not touch him." Sebastian said. I glared at Abberline. Stupid yard. I turned my head to the opposite direction from where my master's headed. "Young master. Can I...?" Master Ciel waved a dismissing hand at me. I handed him a small bell. "If you're in need of me, ring this bell." I said, running off. I went to the undertaker's shop and went in. "Hi, undertaker." I said. Undertaker came out from a coffin and laughed. "Hello little kitten. How are you?" I smiled. "I'm fine. Cold, but fine!" Undertaker giggled. "Can I stay for awhile? It's cold outside and I missed your jokes." I said. He laughed but nodded nonetheless. "Yay!" I exclaimed.

|time skip|

I was talking to undertaker about the events happening in the Phantomhive manor and such. Undertaker was my only friend before I met the young lord. Just then, Abberline fell through the fake door. Me and undertaker laughed like maniacs. Undertaker fell to the floor while I was clutching my stomach. Sebastian and the young lord came in not long after that. The Chinese man was also here. Sebastian glared at Abberline and Ciel started questioning undertaker about the hope piece. He answered by leading us to the statue at the snow festival. Stuff happened and viscount Druitt was there. He looked at me with those eyes that makes me want to kill him. He got closer to me and I kneed him where the sun don't shine. He was crying out in pain but said something about beauty in pain or whatever. Undertaker tried to suppress a laugh while Sebastian smirked. My heart pounded. Damn. He's CUTE! I blushed and thankfully, nobody noticed... except for undertaker. I glared at him. Other stuff happened and Sebastian ended up entering the ice carving competition or whatever. I wasn't really paying attention. I was deep in thought when I heard a worried garble of sounds from the crowd. I realized that they were running from three men. My master stood his ground. The guy aimed his gun at my master but Sebastian kicked the gun away from him. He started lighting dynamite and throwing them at Sebastian while he skated and I glided on the ice towards the statue. Just when I was at a good distance, the ice beneath me cracked and gave in. I reached for the ring but it was already too far from my grasp. I was submerged in the ice-cold water. I got lost in darkness and the last thing I felt was a pair of strong arms lifting me up. This was a terrible day, meow~

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