There's A Thin Line Between Love And Hate(2)

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Chapter Two: Your Not Leaving me Alone

Andy stared at me as I threw my anger fit. What was he doing here! Why wouldn’t he leave me the fuck alone? He waits for me to calm down before talking. “Done with your fit?” He questioned me. I glared at him.

“What the hell do you want?” I asked him.

“Why didn’t you accept my passes? Better yet why did you say my ass is flat?” He confronted me. I laugh. I hurt his feelings. Yeah I did. By the expression he was giving me he was hurt. My eyes wonder back on stage as Jay and Dahvie begin to sing “Sexting”. I sigh, there goes my favorite song.

“Can you just leave me alone?” I pleaded to him. He shook in disagreement. “Why don’t you like me nor my band?” He asked me.

Easy. Your band sucks butt, you have no vocal talents, and what’s up with the whole BVB Army? Who wants an army of teenagers? Andy chuckles soflty. “That hurt,” I said that out loud.

“Yea, you did,” He whispered in my ear. I pushed him away from me. I got on my knees and I glanced up at him. “I beg you to leave me alone and let me enjoy the rest of my favorite band,” I cried to him. Kim stares at me then I see her gaze move up to Andy. She screams from the tops of her lungs. Quickly, Andy covers her mouth. “Shush, don’t say my name please!” He screamed. A huge smirk formed on my face. Oh this was going to be good.

I brought myself back up to my feet. Kim was staring at Andy examining his perfection. Mean while Andy and I had a death glaring contest. “Leave me alone,”

“Not until you tell me why you don’t like my band,” He stated. I roll my eyes. “You know why it sucks! I think your songs are stupid and meaningless I rather listen to the barney song a million times before I listen your stupid lame band,” I shot back.

“I’m sorry Andy she has this bad temper. She doesn’t like your band because my parents wont approve of her band choices. She’s really stubborn,” Kim tells him quietly. I shook my head in disagreement.

“NO! I hate Black Veil Brides because I just hate you! And you cant make me like you or your stupid band so now please leave me alone,” I clenched my jaw spitting out venom to him.

“What if I don’t want to?” He asked me. I smiled at him innocently . “Then I would have to do this-” I took in a deep breathe making sure I had enough air to scream I blurted out “Oh my god it’s Andy Sixx!” All the girls turned around looking at Andy in his normal Teen Adult self. He groans. He knew what was going to happen next.

A bunch of girls throw Kim and I out of the way circling around Andy. All you could see was how he screamed as girls tore off his clothes, shoes, and for a slight minute I think I saw his pants come off. Kim punches my arm. I yell in pain. “You’re a douche! Their eating him alive!” She scolded me.


“SO? Now your going to help him get out there before those man eating girls finish raping him!” She was kidding right? I was not going to get in that circle of scene girls. They would end up raping me with Andy. I give her the puppy eyes. I knew that was her weakness. Kim pushed my face away.

“Go NOW!” She spat in my face. I mumbled cussed words as I dug my way inside the circle. I landed back on my butt when a girl pushed me out of the way. I chuckle to myself as I hear Andy scream out for help. I sit there giving him a couple more minutes of torture. Kim comes up to me and yanks my hair. I crawl under the girls until I see Andy and his half naked self. I jump in the middle of the circle hiding Andy behind me. “Listen up I’m only going to count to three and if you don’t move I’m going to kick and punch my way out of here!” All the girls began laughing. They thought I wouldn’t do it. Andy pulls me down to him.

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