She's Back. Im gone. It's Over.

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Kim grabbed on to me before I could even make it to the door. “What in bloody hell are you doing?” She asked me.

“Isn’t obvious im about to save Andy’s butt,” I responded dumbly.

“You know you cant go out there right?” She stated.

Why couldn’t I? It was just a bunch of no lifes that thought Andy was dead! The worst thing they could was murder me. Which wouldn’t matter because I would be right in a hospital. Kim rolls her eyes.

“Reporters are here! Which means this will be on T.V. Which means dad will see it and kill us,” She informed me. I shrugged he was going to find out eventually. I make my way towards the door but a girl with black and blonde hair and green eyes starts speaking.

“Hi, Im Scout-” I hear the guys come running down the hall.

“Oh fuck,” I hear Jinxx say. I roll my eyes. These guys probably hired someone to say something for them. I turn my attention back to the girl. Jinxx grabs me from the waist while Ashley covers my hears.

“What the hell guys!” I whined as I tried breaking away.

“You don’t have to hear this!” Jinxx said nervously.

“Yea, Scout is just a speaker for us,” Ashley added. I didn’t fight with either way I could hear her voice.

“Andy is fine. He is alive and well just broke a few ribs,” She smiled. Well the guys did a pretty good job hiring this girl. She had said enough to make the hundreds of fans outside stop screaming.

“Who are you?” A reporter asked her. She smiled proudly.

“Andy’s Sixx Fiance,” She showed everyone the huge diamond ring on her finger.

For an odd reason I felt this really painful feeling in my chest. My eyes began to water. Andy was engaged. He was engaged to some girl and no one bother informing me about it. I felt Jinxx let go of me. I stared at him.

“Let me explain,” He tried telling me. I shook my head.

“I don’t want to hear it,” My voice cracked. I grabbed my purse from Kayleen’s hands and began making my way to the emergency exist. I couldn’t keep my eyes from watering. Tears streamed down my face without my control.

Stop feeling like this! Stop it! You don’t care about Andy! He doesn’t mean a crap to you! I tried commanding myself but I couldn’t. It was useless.

“B wait up! Let us explain!” I heard Ashley scream out. I didn’t listen I kept walking. I pass Andy’s room and I glanced at him exposing my tears to him.

“Bailey! Wait!” He screamed to me.

I didn’t want to wait for anyone. I was an idiot! I hate Black Veil Brides! I hate Andy Sixx! Mostly I hate Andy! I could hear everyone running behind me but I didn’t stop I was almost to the door when I heard his voice.

“Bailey! Wait!”

I stopped but I didn’t turn around. I stood there waiting to hear his worthless excuse. Why did I care so much? Why did I react this way when I found out? What was happening to me.

“Let me explain,” He said.

“Im waiting,” I responded wiping my tears away.

“Yes, im engaged to Scout. What I don’t understand is why your crying?” He asked me touching my arm. I stepped forward making him let go of me.

“I’m not crying I have allergies,” I lied. I bite the inside of my lip as I hoped he would except that but he didn’t. He swirl me around making me stare at him.

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