There's A Thin Line Between Love And Hate(5)

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Chapter Four: Boys fall. Drugs. Love.

I laugh as Jinxx covered my body with war paint. Never in my life did I think I was going to be dressing myself as the Black Veil Bride Army but I was their Commander might as well dress like one right? Jinxx smothered paint all over my chest until no clear skin was shown.

“There,” He smiled proudly. I stared at the mirror and literally died as I saw my reflection. I was completely covered in war paint. Jinxx ties a black bandana around my forehead making me look aggressive than I really was.

“You ready?” He asked me. I nodded excitedly. I couldn’t wait until the guys saw me covered like this.


We had just made in time when the guys went up stage. I didn’t have a chance to surprise the guys but I stood to the side glancing at them singing and playing their hearts out. Kayleen and Kimberly mouth drops as they see me.

“You did not just dress like BVB,” Kimberly shrieked. I laughed softly.

“Yea, I owed that much to the guys,” I responded, I felt as my cheek turned slightly red.

“You look smoking,” I heard Jay said.

“You guys aren’t mad at me too are yall?” I questioned them. They shook their head together.

“Nope, we understood that school comes first before rock bands,” Jay said. I nodded in agreement. We all turned our attention back to Andy that had climbed on top of the platform. He glances at me, stunned by how I looked he stopped singing but the band kept playing.

“I’m so sorry,” I mouthed to him. He took his eyes off of me singing again. When I realize what he was about to do I tried to shout at him but it was too late. He slipped falling flat face on the hard floor.

“Andy!” I shrieked. I ran across stage standing beside him. Andy groan on pain as he opened his eyes. He was an idiot! A stupid idiot! Who didn’t have a fucking brain! Who in the hell falls while singing?

“Are you okay?” I asked him falling to my knees. He chuckled quietly.

“Bra girl?” He taunted me. I rolled my eyes. I push him softly causing him to cry in pain. His body guards surrounded him quickly making sure if he was okay.

“My ribs just hurt,” He whispered standing up. We stared at each other and I knew he was lying. He was in extreme pain and it was written all over his face.

“I’ll take you to the hospital,” I told him. He shook his head in disagreement.

“I need to continue the show. I’m okay,” He said. I sighed. I wasn’t even going to start fighting with him. Andy would do whatever he wanted. I hand him the microphone.

“Go show off your sexy flat ass,” I taunted him. He scoffed. He grabs the microphone jumping on stage.

“With knives and pens we made a plight!” He singed.

My stomach turned into a knot. This odd feeling I had never felt emerged inside me. For a slight second I thought I felt my self have butterflies. For who? For Andy Sixx..

The guys played for literally four hours straight. Andy kept jumping up and down like the fall never happen. But I knew he was in extreme pain. When the show ended he grabs my shoulders tightly.

“Hospital! Now!” He cried. That’s when I began to panic. Kayleen and Kim called the bodyguards so they could escort us out without the fans trying to grab him. Andy hold on to my hand causing me to get those weird butterflies.

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