After All Said And Done We Are Through.

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"Shit," Jinxx whispered over the microphone.

I turn my head to look at Andy, his jaw was dropped and he stood frozen on the stage. Jayy Vonroe liked me and no way in hell could i say something. He stares at me with his brown eyes waiting for me to answer. The entire venue was silent as if we were all respecting a moment of silence.

"I-Jayy-Andy," I sigh heavily.

I coudnt handle something like this right now. Jayy shakes his head a fake smile appears on his face.

"Just stay away from me Bailey. Please," He pleaded me, before turning around walking away from me.

I wanted to go after him telling him to stay, but my boyfriend, was looking at me waiting for me to do my next move. Andy stares at me his jaw tighten and his grip on the mircophone tighten as well. I hesistated, these two guys mean the world to me. But I could only please one.

"I'm sorry," I nouthed and i ran out looking for Jayy.

A pair of hands wrap around my waist holding me back. I tried to make them let me go but they wouldnt let me. Davhie tightens his grip on me. Why wasnt he letting me go after him? He knew how much Jayy meant to me. They all did.

"Andy is way more important than Jayy," He whispered in my ear.

"But-but Jayy he-," Davhie cuts me off.

"Andy is your boyfriend not Jayy,"

That didnt matter. Jayy was my heroe you couldnt compare a heroe to your boyfriend. Davhie makes me stare at him. "Just let it go,"

"Let it go? Davhie he likes me and I cant do anything about it," I cried, fustrated by the spot I was being held in.

"Are you telling me Jayy is more important than Andy?" He asked me.

"They both are!" I responded.

"Andy come back!" I heard Jinxx call out.

Andy passes by me slamming his shoulder against mine. His face had nothing but pure hurt and anger. Jinnxx and CC follow him behind him, trying to stop him from doing whatever he had in mind. I force myself out of Davhie's arms and run outside.

Andy and Jayy were nose to nose screaming to each other. Never in my life had i seen Jayy nor Andy so bad at eachother. They were supposed to be bestfriends, buddies till the end. But right now they were death glaring at each other waiting to attack.

"She is my girlfriend!" Andy screamed.

"And I like her!" Jay spat to him.

"Does it matter she is taken! Get your feelings straight Jayy," Andy told him.

Jayy chuckles sourly. "Really, you tell me to get my feelings straight? Why dont you figure out who the fuck you want," Jayy said.

Andy face relaxes a bit. "Dont use my trust i gave you right now,"

"Why shouldnt I? She has the right to know dont you think?" Jayy asked Andy.

I stepped up to them. What did they know that i didnt? What was Andy hiding from me, maybe all of this touring shit was causing us to take our stress against one another. Yea, that had to be it. After this blows off we would be friends again.

"What is Jayy talking about Andy?" I asked him.

Andy looks at me. "He talking bullshit,"

Jayy chuckles dryly. "We both know she better with me," Jayy answered.

"No, it must be good bullshit because apparently you dont want me to know about it!" I responded, clenching my jaw.

Kim comes up to me grabbing my shoulder. "Just drop it Bailey. We have fans here!" She whispered in my ear.

There's A Thin Line Between Love And HateNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ