Broken Ribs. Dead Andy. Angry Fans.

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Andy was sleeping peacefully in his room. He had been asleep for nearly over ten hours. Doctors said that the pain killers they gave him were strong he would be knocked out for about to two days. I just sat there staring at him. For an odd reason he looked amazing to me right now. His black messy hair was all over his face and his perfect pink lips were in a straight line.

I felt as I mentally slapped myself. What the hell was going on with me? Really, I was checking out Andy. What happened to that anger feeling I would get every time I heard his name? What was going on with me?

"It's called having feelings for someone," I heard Jinxx say. I look at him confusedly. So that what it was....WHAT! He busted out laughing.

"Admit Bailey you like Andy. It was bound to happen," He chuckled.

I scoffed. "Me. Like Him!" I pointed to Andy. "Ha! Over my dead body!" I taunted him.

"Hey lie to yourself. If it makes you feel better but those feelings are still going to be there!" He mocked me.

"Go bother someone else!" I whined. Jinxx laughed as he stepped out of the room. Idiot. Thinks I like Andy! Hell no! I just felt bad that he hurt himself. I didn't like him. I never liked anyone and its going to stay like that.

I sat on the chair messing around with my phone. Hours went by and the guys would come in and step out. It was already night time and Andy was still asleep. I groan. He needed to wake up! My butt was getting sore from just sitting down.

Kayleen walks in shocked. "What's wrong?" I questioned her. She hands me the laptop, it was on the BVB website. There were over a millions of comments saying how Andy was. Some were even saying he died. Really? His fans would really think that? He was obviously not dead!

"Why are they saying this" I asked her.

"Ashley and Jinxx talked to Andy's dad they thought it would be a good idea just to cancel the tour for now. Just until Andy can be good and ready to perform again. But i guess the fans are thinking over their heads that Andy died!" She informed me.

I gulped. There were many reasons why that sounded awfully wrong. One Andy was going to kill all of us after eh finds out we cancelled the tour. Two, his fans are going bonkers thinking he dead. Three, Andy is going to murder me when he finds out I didn't go back to Yale.

Kayleen shook her head at me. "It gets worse...Him falling is all over the internet. Youtube, blogs, everywhere," She whispered.

"Okay he needs to wake up now! Before angry fan girls eat us alive!" I chocked out.

"How are we supposed to do that!" She screamed. It took me a couple of seconds to think of something but I got it.

"You just hack Andy's twitter and make up a lie. A good lie. Then tell Jinxx and Ashle to get there flat butts over here!" I ordered her.

Jinxx and Ashley were in the room in matter of seconds. They looked terrified. They both smile at me sheepishly.

"Do you know what you did with canceling the tour?" I asked them.

"We are getting vacation time," Ashley smiled.

"No, your going to make Andy murder all of us," I clenched my jaw. "Then after he is done murdering us he's going to revive us to kill us again because all your fans think Andy Sixx is dead!" I panicked.

Jinxx laughed at me. "We cancelled tours before. It isn't that of a big deal. Now what I have no control of is the rumors. Have you just watched how bad Andy fell! I would believe if they told me he died!" Jinxx responded.

This was going to be useless. I was talking to bunch of five year olds. I wasn't sure why I was panicking or caring that BVB fans thought he was dead. But I just didn't want Andy to wake up and have a bunch of angry mobs attacking him.

I grabbed the cold water that was on the side of Andy. "Its time for you to wake up Andy!" I whispered throwing the bucket of water in his face. Andy jumped literally three inches from the bed. His blue eyes stared at me angrily.

"Good morning sunshine!" I smiled shyly.

"What the hell!" He screamed I pain. When he sat up he screamed in pain slamming his body on the bed again. "My ribs!" He whined.

"Is okay," I told him soothing him. Andy glared at me.

"I was sleeping peacefully!" He reassured me.

"I know you were but while you're sleeping peacefully we are trying not to get killed by your obsessed fans" I jerked. He stared at me confused.

"Why would they be going crazy?" He questioned me. I grabbed jinx and Ashley and pushed them to the front. "Take it away boys,"

Andy and Jinxx laughed nervously. "Well you see the doctor told your dad you wouldn't be able to perform until you got better," Jinxx told him.

"So your dad cancelled the tour for now. But the army things you died," Ahsley whispered.

Andy stayed quiet. He ordered for Jinxx and Ashley to move so he could see me. "Whats your excuse?"

"I'm on vacation?" I stated.

He growled. "I been asleep for how long?" He questioned us.

"Twelve hours," We said united.

"In twelve hours you have managed to convince Bailey to take time off from school, to cancel our tour, and to make half the world believe I'm dead?" He scolded us.

We all laughed nervously. "Can you call the doctor and ask him to just give me more pain killers so I could go to sleep?" He growled.

"You have to do something!" I told him. His icy blue eyes stared at me.


"I don't make a video and say you're not dead!" I screamed.

Before he could respond Kayleen runs into the room. She turns on the T.V. "All of you need to see this,"

In front of the hospital thousands of fans were being forcefully pushed out the way of the hospital. All of our mouths dropped. "The news hit tonight when the former Rock singer Andy Sixx the singer of Black Veil Brides fell from a three foot platform. Informers say he performed and was rushed to the hospital where he died of head trauma,"

I turned around and looked at Andy. "Remember when I said you had no fans?"

He nodded. "I take that back," Andy sighed.

We see the door open and Andy dad Max enters the room. He looks at Andy and shakes his head. "You need to make a conference or something. Those kids are going crazy," He told him.

Andy places his hand on his head as he felt pain go through his body. I groan. I hate doing this but I guess eventually you have to suck up your pride and do something for someone else. I pushed them out of my way.

"What are you doing?" I heard Andy screamed out to me.

"Saving your ass ," I whispered.


Dun Dun dUN! Haha i think something going to go down! Lol

Sorry i havent upload i een busy guys but here you have it another chapter ill update frequentily now i have time during school to do it!

Dont Forget to





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