Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Alec’s POV

            I awoke to the soft sunrise of the morning with its pale pinks and reds. It reminded me so much of the mornings when I had woken up with Magnus by my side in bed. The memories were painful and I tried to push them back but I knew I would forever have them somewhere in my mind where they would linger until I found them again.

            As I began to fully wake up I noticed how extremely close I was to the girl who I had met briefly the night before. My head had been rested on her shoulder and my body touching hers. I scooted away; I had never been near a girl like that before, except maybe my sister, Isabelle. I got up, the rocks from the road crunching beneath me as I did. I had to leave.

            “Wait.”  Her voice was so loud in the silence.

            “Alec, my name’s Alec.”

            “Wait, Alec, do you have anywhere to stay? Because…well because if you don’t you could stay with me as long as you need.” She said sweetly.

            “You’re generous, but I cannot stay with you. It’s complicated.” Even though I did need a place to stay, I didn’t know how the others would feel and I didn’t want to speak to them about Magnus if they asked why I wasn’t staying with him anymore.

            “Are you sure?” She asked, looking me in the eye.

            “Maybe, if you don’t mind, for a night or two.” I said shyly. Which wasn’t like me at all to be shy around girls.

            “Follow me.” She said and began walking. I followed her around different corners and up familiar streets. “I have a roommate. She’s a little difficult to get along with at first, though. Her name’s Lisa. Oh, and I almost forgot, my name’s Abbey.”

            “Abbey?” I asked.

            “Yep, that’s me.”

            I followed her into a tall building and up several flights of stairs into her apartment. It was a little on the small end but it was cozy. The furniture was a little old, in fact most of the things in the apartment were. That didn’t matter to me though. A strange girl, which I assumed was Abbey’s roommate sat on the couch.

            “Abbey, I thought I told you not to bring your boyfriends to live with you here!” The girl said. “I have to study for college and I don’t need to hear you messing around.”

            “I’m NOT her boyfriend.” I said to her.

            “Lisa, this is Alec.” Abbey said calmly. “He will be staying here for a night or two.”

            “What for?” Lisa asked harshly.

            “He has nowhere to go since his boyfriend broke up with him.”

            “Did you just say boyfriend?” Lisa asked and then laughed. “You mean he’s gay?” She laughed again. I could feel myself blushing with embarrassment and I looked down at the floor.

            “Yes. He is.” Abbey said. “And you will not make fun of him or make him feel bad because of it.” She said sternly. Lisa rolled her eyes and began reading a book. Abbey took hold of my wrist and led me to an empty room with a plain bed in it and a dresser. “This can be your room for now. It was mine but I can bunk with Lisa.”

            “You don’t have to do this.” I said.

            “But I do.” She said and smiled.  Then she picked up a few things and left. I sat on the bed trying to take in all that had happened, but my thoughts were interrupted by her. Again. “Oh and the shower is down the hallway on the right.”

            “Alright.” I said in reply.

             I stared at my phone wanting to call him but I never did. What would I say if he actually answered? I fell asleep on the bed thinking once again of Magnus.  

            When I awoke I found that I desperately needed a shower and went where Abbey had told me. I was still tired but it was nine in the morning and I needed to do my daily job of hunting demons.

            I walked into the bathroom. The door was left unlocked and I turned it, expecting no one to be in there, but I was surprised. My eyes widened at what I saw and I blushed furiously. Abbey was in the tub, her hair wet and bubbles surrounding her.

            “I…I…I’m sorry. It’s just…the door…it was… ah… I’m sorry.” I shielded my eyes with my hand.

            “That was my fault, Alec.” She said. I nodded and quickly left.

            I went back into my room just as my cell phone began to ring.

            “Hello?”   I said when answering it.


            “Magnus?” I asked hopefully.

            “No, it’s me Jace, not your bisexual party going boyfriend.” His words pierced my heart and I hung up.

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