Chapter 9

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Alec's POV

 Magnus and I walked hand in hand to the restaurant. It was some italian place with a name that was impossible to pronounce. We were to be meeting Jace, Clary, Simon, Isabelle and my parents. This made me extremely nervous. What would my parents think? How would they react? I could just imagine them flipping a table over or something obsurd like that. I mean they already knew I was gay, but...I think that they secretly denied it and thought I was confused.

"Hey." It was Magnus talking to me. I had been so caught up in my thoughts that I had almost forgotten that he was there, walking next to me and holding my hand.

"What?" I asked grumpily.

Magnus stopped walking and I turned around to look at him. "Listen to me Alexander. There is no need for you to be nervous. You love me right, babe?"


"Well then they should be happy for you and congradulate you."

"What if they don't?" I asked.

"Then they will have to deal with me." Magnus said and smiled while sending a few flicks of blue sparks from his fingers. 

I smiled halfheartedly and kept walking. When we got to the restaurant, I stopped, frozen with the fear of seeing my parents.

Magnus took my hand and led me into an alleyway nearby. He pushed me up against the brick wall and began kissing me passionatly. I could not help but to groan in pleasure, but then Magnus pulled away.

"Come on, Alec. You fight demons...and you're scared of your parents?" Magnus said led me back to the restaurant.  The restaurant had nicely set tables with white tablecloths, shiny wine glasses, and leather booths. We walked in and were seated. Isabelle and Jace were already present at the table.

"Hello." Magnus said, greeting everyone. I didn't say anything at all.

"Alec, you look...well flushed." Isabelle said to me. "Are you ok?"

Jace grinned wildly. "Isabelle, I think he's more than fine. I think I might have seen those two in an alley way together." I looked down in embarresment. Yet why was I? "Am I right?" Jace asked.

"Shut up, Jace." I said to him.

"You know its true." Jace said while kicking my foot under the table.

Soon Clary, Simon, and my parents joined the large table. I suddenly became nervous, very nervous. I was clamy, which was nasty, and I found that when I was spoken to my answer never came out the right way.

The drinks were served and soon enough the food came. I more of played with my food with a fork rather than eating it. Magnus chattered away and I listened in on their conversations, but felt no need to actually join in.

"Alec, why don't you join in on the conversation?" My mom asked.

"What...what are you talking about again?"

Magnus put his hand on my thigh, and calmed me a little. He knew I was nervous.

"Well that doesn't matter anymore." Magnus said. Oh no oh no oh no. Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit Shit. My parents are gonna flip. "Alec and I have some important news." Magnus said while grabbing my hand from under the table. Then we stood and my legs felt like jello. "Right baby?" I nodded.

Jace raised an eyebrow and Simon grinned into his cup of water. Clary and Isabelle seemed to be starring at us, waiting for either Magnus or I to say something. And I didn't even look at my parents, if I did I might've fainted. 

"Alec, would you like to tell them?" Magnus said looking at me with encouraging eyes.

"Umm...well you see. You all know I have been dating Magnus for quite some time...and see..." I paused and took a deep breath, thought of Magnus naked. Smiled. Then said, "We are engaged."

Isabelle ran and flung herself on me, almost suffocating me in a hug. "Oh, Alec! I'm so happy for you!!!! I will help plan for the wedding!!!!" She squealed. 

Jace came up to me and patted me on the back. "I guess I'm just not attractive enough." He said while shaking his head.

Clary congradulated me and so did Simon, but my parents did nothing. They sat there together doing nothing. Saying nothing.  SHIT

After we left the italian restaurant my parents asked to speak to me. I walked over to them nervously. Magnus gave me an encouraging smile and kept walking.

"Alec, honey." My mom said. "Do you really love him?"

"Alexander I think you are confused. You know that this kind of relationship is wrong. Don't you want kids? If you marry that...that warlock no one will inherit your eyes. Don't you want to be a father? And plus there is the matter that a shadowhunter can't marry a downworlder." My dad said softly, although I knew he was angry.

"I...I love him." I said.

"How can you love a man?!" My father almost screamed at me. "This relationship you have with him...I'm sorry but it's disgusting."

My father had just called me disgusting. They didn't approve. That hurt like hell.

"Will...will you come to the wedding?" I asked.

"Who says there's going to be a wedding?!" My father yelled.

I couldn't describe how I felt. Worthless. Damned. Horrible. Hated. I felt as if I were going to throw up the little food I had eaten at the restaurant. I felt like I should just go and kill myself. A tear ran down my cheek. I wiped it away quickly, so my own parents wouldn't see me cry.

"Alec, honey" My mom said while trying to hug me. I pushed her away. Then I turned around and walked away from them.

I saw Magnus waiting for me outside of his apartment. I pushed pass him and went inside and crumbled to the floor in the hallway. Magnus quicky picked me up and took me to his room where I cried on his shoulder and he held me in his arms.

"Everything will be ok." He whispered over and over again. Then he tried to kiss me, but I pushed him away and went to lock myself in his bathroom.

I had known my parents didn't approve but they had never said it this hurtfully. I wanted to hurt myself because of who I was. I wanted to scream. I should have never come out of the closet. If I hadn't then maybe they would still like me. I knew they were ashamed to even talk about me to their friends.

"Alexander... let me in." It was Magnus. I unlocked the door for him.

"What did they say?" He asked.


"Obviously it was something that hurt you."

"It was nothing." There was a long silence that seemed to last forever when in reality it was probably only a minute.

"Magnus?" I asked.

"Yes, my darling."

"I love you...more than anything in the world."

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