Chapter 12

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Hello Everyone!! Here is the newest chapter. I hope you like it!!! Please comment and vote!!!! Thanks for reading!!!!!

Alec's POV (10 months later)

Magnus and I were to get married in September. It was to be in an old house that sat on a hill that overlooked the city of New York. From the window upstairs I could see the sun setting and the city begin to unfold into a new life of neon lights. Magnus had wanted to the wedding to be at night and soon it was going to begin. Even though I looked out at the beautiful city before me, I could not concentrate on it fully. My mind was preoccupied with being nervous.

"Hey." I jumped at the sound of Jace's voice. He was my best man. "You're such a scaredy cat!"

"Shut up."

"This is quite a nice venue." Stated Jace. "With all the glorious furniture from the eighteenth century."

"Magnus chose it."

"Oh." Jace said, "You ready to tie the knot?"

"Yes, I am." 

"What's with you? Shouldn't you be excited? Aren't you and Magnus going to do a little something tonight?" Jace winked at me and I blushed. "That's why you got that luxiourious suite for the night in that hotel, right?"

"Jace!" I groaned.

"You know it's true." Jace said while grinning.

I walked from the window and went to sit on the old couch near the largest fireplace I had ever seen. I was trying not to start shaking from nervousness. My parents wouldn't be coming, but everyone else would be.

There was a knock on the door and then without hesitating Isabelle came in. She was also part of the small wedding party that I had which only consisted of her and Jace. She was in a form fitting red dress and her hair was curled.  

"Oh, Magnus is sooo handsome! You're going to love it!" she said to me. Then she noticed I was still in my ripped jeans and a t-shirt.

"Alexander! The wedding starts in fourty five minutes and you haven't even put on your tuxedo yet!!"

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Sorry's not going to cut it." She said, while going into the closet to get my tux. Then she shoved it into my lap. "Get dressed. NOW." Isabelle demanded.

When I was through dressing Isabelle nearly screamed. "Calm down." I said to her. Even Jace looked surprised. "What?" I asked him.

"You look nice. I'm sure Magnus will enjoy that." He said. 

I was so nervous and I wasn't sure why either. I should be, like Jace said, excited and happy. What if I tripped while walking down the aisle? What if I stuttered while stating the vows? Why was I thinking these things?

 "You will be fine." Jace assured me. I guess he could tell I was extremely nervous.

"It's almost time." Isabelle said.

We walked down the back stairs and over to the side of the house. The wedding was going to be outside, so that's where we waited. The wedding planner was just in front of me in a suit and tie. God,  I was so nervous.

"We are almost done seating everyone." The wedding planner said to us in his oddly high pitched voice. I nodded in reply.

Then the music sounded and it was time. Jace and Isabelle went before me to walk down the aisle to one of the steps that led up to the front porch of the historic home.

I waited a few moments like I was supposed to. Then I was ushered by the wedding planner to go ahead. Remember, I thought to myself. Don't walk too fast like you did at the rehearsal dinner. You were a nervous wreck then. Calm down.

I pictured Magnus in a stunning outfit, and thought of the first time we met. Then I began my walk down the aisle.

A/N Hey guys!! What did you think? I know its sorta short but...there is more to come!!!! Magnus and Alec are finally getting married!!! Please vote or comment!!!!! Luv you guys!!!!

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