Chapter 13

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Hey guys. I am so so so so sorry I haven't updated in like forever, and I apologize for that. I hope you like this next chapter. Please comment or vote!

As I walked down the aisle all I could think of was Magnus. I barely even noticed the lanterns that hung from the trees creating a soft glow or the flowers on the seats that had been set out. The music I didn't even recognize and all the people sitting in the many rows of seats all seemed a blurr.

Then I saw Magnus. He looked absolutely stunning, and just seeing him made my heart flutter and its beat quicken. He looked at me with the kindest eyes in the world, even though he did not speak I knew there were so many words unspoken that I could see through his eyes. As I walked up the steps to him I couldn't help but smile as all my nervousness and worries were taken away.

Soon the ceremony began. I didn't really listen to the words that were spoken, because I was holding his hand, smiling, and gazing into his mysterious, kind, and gentle eyes. He was looking at me too and when he did it made me feel naked. It made me feel like he could see everything, my soul, my thoughts, and who I am. I faintly heard Isabelle sniffling near me, she must have been crying.

Soon enough Magnus was saying "I do" and then so did I. Those simple words didn't seem like much but they meant alot. They were a promise to each other that we would live together, forever. We would share our sorrows and happiness. We would cherish every moment we had together.

In that moment I realized just how much I loved Magnus. He was and is my everything. If I were to lose him, who knew what would happen. I didn't want to leave him at all.

Suddenly my thoughts were interupted when I heard the words, "Magnus, you may now kiss your lawfully wedded husband."  

Magnus kissed me softly and gently as if he was savoring the taste of a sweet chocolate, as if he were touching and holding the thing he loved most. And I was the thing he loved most. I kissed him back with the same gentleness and with all my love for him pouring into that one kiss.

I heard shouts and whistles from the crowd that I hadn't bothered to notice earlier. We had been kissing for a while, I guess it was time to stop. Magnus and I pulled away from each other, both of us a little breathless, held hands and smiled. We came down the steps and walked back into the building together.

We stood in one of the back hallways near the kitchen whispering silently to each other.

"I can't believe we're finally married." I said to him.

"Yes, I can't believe it. You look stunning, Alec." Magnus said to me and I blushed.

"Thanks, but you look even more stunning."

"Why thanks, baby."

Magnus and I then went into the dining room for dinner. The table and china was nice but to me none of that really mattered. All that really mattered was Magnus and that he was right here beside me. Now I knew he would never leave and neither would I. We were bound.

The dinner was great and the wine, fantastic. The reception was amazing. Magnus and I danced to almost every song and I was the happiest person there could ever be. We drank alot of wine and had some delicious cake, and we talked to many of our guests. Magnus had invited 500 people and I had invited only about twenty.

Then Magnus took me outside.

"There are some people who want to see you." He whispered in my ear.

"Ok." I said suspiciously. I walked down the steps of the house to find my parents standing there. My heart dropped. I was hoping they wouldn't make a big scene, but when I looked at them they smiled. That surpirsed me.

"Alec, honey." My mother said to me. "We are so sorry for the way we have acted towards you. It was wrong and we now realize that you and Magnus are perfect for each other."

"Really?" I asked.

"Really, son." said my father. "We wish you the best."

"Thank you!" I said and ran up and hugged both of them.

Soon enough most of the people left and it was only us two. Magnus led me outside and there in the driveway was a sleek black limo waiting for us.

"Our ride to escort us to the hotel." Magnus said to me.

We got in together and sat very close to each other while holding hands. I could feel the heat radiating off his body and it made me feel good. We rode to the hotel in a peaceful silence. Magnus got out of the limo first and when I got out he picked me up and ran inside with me in his arms. People in the hotel starred at us as we giggled and smiled wildly at each other, but I didn't care.

He took me up to the room he had booked for us and when he put me down I was amazed at what I saw and I was amazed at what Magnus had planned for us to do tonight. I blushed and went further inside the room. Rose petals were scattered on the floor leading to a  large bathtub that was in a glass room that looked over the city. Magnus smiled at me and I smiled at him. 

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