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Y/N: 😖 hey, I just read over our convo, nd I guess my 2nd to last text seemed inconsiderate. I'm sorry
sent: 7:53am

Unknown: uh, hey. It's not a problem, sorry I couldn't answer sooner I was working.
Sent: 5:27pm

Y/N: Work? Lol, how old are u? And where do u work?
sent: 5:30pm

Unknown: 😕 Isn't that a little personal for ppl who should've stopped talking to each other like last night?
sent: 5:31pm

Y/N: What do u mean?
sent: 5:32pm

Unknown: I mean most ppl who text/call the wrong # don't end up talking to that person the next day. 😑
sent: 5:38pm

Y/N: Well I like making new friends, sorta kinda, lol. 😄
sent: 5:40pm

Y/N: Naw, but really. Tbh in real life I'm kinda a loner. I mean I have friends but they're so different from me. Always wanting to party...
sent: 5:43pm

Unknown: Sound like my kind of people, lol. 😎
sent: 5:45pm

Y/N: Ooh. You're 1 of those ppl...
sent: 5:46pm

Unknown: Wtf is that supposed to mean?
sent: 5:47pm

Y/N: Nothing. Just that u like to party, which means u probably don't think things through, you're probably loud af, and you're probably immature. Meanwhile people like me are quiet, sophisticated, and think of the consequences a certain action might get us.
sent: 5:49pm

Unknown: Are you calling me stupid?! Who do u think u r?! Ur stepping hella outta ur boundaries. How do you even have friends if this is what you're like?😤😣😈👊
sent: 5:52pm

Y/N: Ouch... Not gonna lie, that kinda hurt. 😞
sent: 5:55pm

Unknown: Look, stranger, I really don't have the time or patience right now to deal with you. I've got my own problems to deal with, and with to get done. So can we please be normal people and ignore the wrong #? NOT text it back
sent: 6:00pm

Y/N: As you wish... ✌
sent: 6:01

Wrong NumberUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum