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BabyJ: 😂😂😂
sent: 7:32am

BabyJ: Good morning babe😊
sent: 7:33am

Y/N: 😐😑😐😑
sent: 7:33am

BabyJ: What?
sent: 7:34am

Y/N: 😣I hate you...
sent: 7:35am

BabyJ: 😏😎 It was pretty entertaining to watch
sent: 7:36am

Y/N: I really do hate you...😑
sent: 7:36am

BabyJ: You love me 😊💖
sent: 7:36am

Y/N: I do
sent: 7:36am

BabyJ: 😉
sent: 7:36am

Y/N: 😛
sent: 7:37am

Y/N: Now are u gonna answer my question
sent: 7:37am

BabyJ: What question?
sent: 7:38am

Y/N: 😒 🖕
sent: 7:38am

BabyJ: Lol, ok ok😂😂
sent: 7:39am

BabyJ: I meant that when it comes to love I feel some churches have it wrong. Like some of them are against the lgbtq community. And ur taught it's not ok, that it's against God, and all that. I was taught that... But I've fallen terribly for this girl and I'm not ashamed
sent: 7:45am

Y/N: Who is she?
sent: 7:45am

Y/N: Aw fuck no! You are not doing this shit again! 😡😠😈
sent: 7:57am

Y/N: I'm officially declaring the day we meet, the day I beat your ass!
sent: 7:59am

Y/N: I can practically see you laughing as you stare at ur phone reading my messages...
sent: 8:05am

Y/N: I hate you so fucking much right now...😒😬😑
sent: 8:11am

Y/N: ...
sent: 8:16am

Y/N: You're really doing this again?
sent: 8:23am

Y/N: Jane it shows me when u read my fucking messages!
sent: 8:25am

Y/N: Omg, whatever😒
sent: 8:28am

Y/N: Love you BabyJ😑😒 even tho ur getting on my last nerves
sent: 8:30am

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