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"Mani, you were perfect as always, but during the turn change let's just slow it down a little ok? Camila watch Mani and you can perfect the transition from the shuffle to the drop. Ally, let's make those moves more fluid baby. Lauren, I want to move you between Mani and Mila. And Din-" Sean started as he looked around for Dinah.

She was in the corner. On her phone. AGAIN!

"Dinah! Would you get off your phone and pay attention please," Sean prodded as he snatched her phone, accidentally sending a text, and put it back in her bag.

"Sorry Sean," Dinah apologized as she rushed back over.

"Let's run through it again ladies. And a 5 6 7 8," Sean said as he and the girls ran through the routine. The practiced for a few more hours before it was just about perfect. "That was perfect ladies," Sean said as he wiped the sweat from his brow, "Same time tomorrow. We've got more to practice before we head to Dubai."

The girls nodded their heads as they drank some water and gathered their things.

"I've gotta bounce girls. See you tomorrow," Sean said as he got his stiff and headed towards the exit. "Bye," they said in unison. As they gathered their things and walked out they started to talk.

"So. Dinah... Who's that you've been taking to?" Camila asked in a playful tone.
"Yeah, I thought that little fling of yours wasn't allowed to text you," Normani said with a smirk.

Dinah blushed at the mention of her "fling" as Normani put it.

"I don't talk to him anymore. Neither of us were that into each other," Dinah explained.

Dinah blushed.

"Well than who are you talking to?" Normani questioned, "It isn't that weirdo that keeps texting you is it?"

Dinah turned to Normani, "What are you talking about?" Normani smirked, "Dinah I use your phone ALL THE TIME. You don't think I've seen that unknown number texting you? Or at least last I've checked they were unknown..."

"You looked through my messages?" Dinah said getting mad, "Who gave you permission to do that? Cause I sure as hell didn't!"

"Di calm down," Normani said unaware that she had crossed a boundary. Dinah's nostrils flared, "Don't tell me to calm down, when you've invaded my privacy."

Dinah stormed out of the rehearsal studio and to her car. Dinah wasn't angry that Normani read her messages, she had done it all the time. She was mad because she had judged Y/N off of a few texts. She didn't know her that well either, but she hadn't judge her so harshly either...

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