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Complicated? I'm not the complicated one. She is...

Y/N sighed heavily as she laid down on her bed. She had been trying to ignore Jane, so as to start forgetting about her but Jane kept texting back. Could she not pick up a hint. A unacknowledged tear escaped Y/N's eye. She quickly wiped it away as she turned off her phone, just in case Jane texted her again.

After a few moments of self pitying a knock was heard on the door.

"You ok in there?" Y/D/N asked from the other side of the door. Y/N sniffled and fixed her hair before she answered, "Yeah, I'm fine dad."

It came out pretty shakily, so he came in, "Hey kiddo. What's wrong?" Y/N ran her hand through her hair, "Is girl troubles..."

His eyes widened a bit, "Should I get your mom?"

She shook her head as she laughed a bit, "Not those kind of girl problems. Like, relationship wise."

"Ohhhh," he sighed with relief, "When did you start dating girls again? Last one I remember was Alexis from like your freshmen year. Then after that it was all dudes," he said reminiscing a bit. Y/N laughed, "That's because no girls have caught my eye since, but this one has and she's confusing the hell out of me! What do I do?"

"Hell I don't know. She so sounds like your mom. When we first started seeing each other she was sending me so many mixed signals! She even had me believing she was into someone else. But I REALLY wanted to get with her so-"

Y/N shook her head and covered her ears as she made a face of disgust, "Don't say get with her, that makes it sounds like a sex story and a girl ain't got no time for that," she said as she fake gagged. Her dad laughed, "Ok, ok. Well my point was I didn't stop trying. Of course she made me mad from time to time and I'd try to get revenge by flirting with some other girls, but your mom was always end game..." He said with a smile.

Y/N saw his smile and the love he had in his heart for her mom, she smiled and hugged him. He was startled but hugged her back, "Sorry I wasn't of much help Y/N."

"You were plenty of help. Thanks dad," she said with a smile.

I can't stop trying...
P.O.V Switch

"Dinah! Time for rehearsals," Ally exclaimed as she walked into Dinah's hotel room. Dinah hadn't heard, and was staring at her phone sadly. Ally noticed and say next to the younger girl, causing to look at her in surprise.
"What's wrong Dinah?"

She shrugged and turned off her phone, "It's nothing," she lied, "Were you saying it's time for rehearsal?"

Ally nodded her head cautiously, still worried about Dinah. The young Polynesian gave a weak smile and got up, "Well than we should get going."

The older girl followed Dinah out of the room, still worried, but not wanting to push anything.

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