Oh pears, I love you!

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AN: Hey mes chers, I'm so bored with my work that I ended up 'working' on this instead :D

Bisouuuus <3



I added more pieces of wood to keep the fire going. The night was a bit chilly, and Alev has passed out asleep as soon as he lay down. He was really tired at the gathering. We came here right afterwards, it was night already and he suggested he'd go get me some food. We had eaten at the gathering so I told him that I wasn't hungry and I insisted to make the fire to warm the den a little. He hesitated, but as soon as he went to rest, he was fast asleep.

I could see that he was hurt from Saeva. I hated that island so much right now, it didn't spare my one and only father whom I wanted for so long. I wanted to ask what happened that made him like this, but I didn't dare. Despite my happiness of having a real father, and one who wanted me, I still couldn't help feeling a bit awkward and out of place.

It was an odd and mixed feeling. I guess I was too used to sleeping in the cave with the Aellas... or in front of the cave. But it was also curious that I never felt out of place with Ithel.


A name that will always bring me to smile. A valiant Aello that I never deserved, and yet the spirits granted me the bliss of knowing him.

I sighed, wishing he was here with me. After the gathering, Alev and I paid our respects to the Leader. Ithel wanted to accompany us, but the Leader called for him and Alev asked me to follow him.

I sighed. Of course I was disappointed! This was supposed to be Ithel territory, but now I realized that I didn't come here to live with Ithel, only with my father. Who I love so so much!!...... But Ithel...

The fire flickered as it toned down. I watched my father who was resting. I loved watching over him, it made me feel useful. And I didn't feel close to sleeping, so I added more wood to the fire and kept one piece for myself. I borrowed one of Alev's small weapons and started carving. I thought of Alev, how brave he was and how thankful I am for him not abandoning me after all these years.

I thought of my mother who everyone blamed, and that for the first time, she was praised, by the very respected Leader of the Aellos nonetheless.

It has been a rough few months, but none of this all would've happened if I hadn't met my Aello, Ithel.

I smiled as I remembered the times we spent together, slowly walking in the forest as I admired all its beauty, or running freely with him trying to catch me, and the time I pouted because I figured he could actually catch me but didn't run fast on purpose. Everything I knew about these forests reminded me of him, because he was the one who introduced me to all of this. Without him, the forest is a dangerous place that could kill me in an instant. With him, it was a new world that I enjoy discovering.

I bit my lower lip and felt a blush creep up my neck and face as I realized that I was carving a pear.

Ithel loved pears.

So pears are the best even though I preferred strawberries, but no more, pear will forever be my favorite.

I chuckled at my silly thoughts. Then I suddenly jerked as I felt movement on the other side of the cave.

I pulled back closer to Aelv while I stared at the entrance of the cave. A silhouette appeared creeping inside in the dark. I shrank back and wanted to call for help. But when the face started to show with the help of the light of my fire, I immediately grinned.

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