Live or die

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"So what are we supposed to do??"


"I don't know, why are you asking me?"

Confused whispers

"Because you were supposed to explain the situation to them and get back with a decision!"

Angry whispers... I recognized the voices of the Aella hunters. Why were they fighting? Aella hunters never argue among themselves... they're always in harmony, always supporting each other.

I forced my eyes to open. I was in some kind of a pit. When did I get here? I let my eyes run along the walls surrounding me. This hole was dug quite deep. How did I get here? And how will I get out?

It was starting to get dark, maybe the sunset was close. I was on my back, looking up I could only see the shoulder of who I assumed was an Aella hunter.

"I explained it to them, many times. But it's very complicated-"

"What's so complicated about it, Emer!!!"

"You weren't there! The Aellas are impossible to calm down, Trin!"

"Are you kidding me?"

A third voice joined in, "I told you. That's why I didn't want to be the one to tell the Aellas about this whole thing"

"Shut up, Preeta! And you, your task was simple, report to them and bring me a final decision!"

"There's no decision, Trin! Everyone has an opinion. Even the other hunters, they're giving their opinions without a care about keeping order up there. And the Elders are a mess!"

"But the Leader-"

"Sosanbra couldn't even say a thing before half the clan went crazy. They refuse to let her decide anything before discussing the 'Leadership' problem"

"I thought we said that we'll deal with that AFTER the Agape!??"

Preeta sighed and interjected again, "Actually, not everyone agreed to wait. Many think that we must deal with this now"

"I can't believe this..." Trin added.

Emer continued, "The clan is a total havoc now. We tried to avoid this, but it's happening. The Aellas are hysteric, fighting and accusing each other. They're torn to different groups and none of them has the upper hand. The Elders are no help since all they do is whine and demand respect, and the hunters-"

"The hunters? What wrong with them!?"

"Well, they're also meddling which no longer makes them impartial"


"Yes, taking sides. With the Leader, against her, with the Elders, rooting for the hunters, and one is against all but Halina"

"Damn it"

"In Rhonwen's case, I think it's best if she stayed with the Aellas. She's guarding Halina since some of the Aellas are back to blaming her, and she's keeping her from descending the mountain to come find her son."

"She tried???"

"Can you blame her? Now that we wouldn't want to see happen. Even Sosanbra can't move freely now, and Halina is an Elder. We wouldn't want to have to discipline her."

"No one must descend the mountain!"

"All hunters agree on that, so don't worry. They are still guarding the clan and hunting, but they can't control the Aellas anymore."

Aella (manxman) - ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now