Mission impossible

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Sorry for the long wait, life has been kicking my B   :D

Bisouuuus, hope you enjoy this ^_^



The day I spent with Ithel was so great, it changed many things for me. First, it made me love him even more. He's so smart and he knows so many things about life. He's so wise, I don't believe I could ever become like him. Second, as we exhausted ourselves by playing and chasing fish, I forgot all the tension and anxiety from my visit to the Aellas. And that made me confident that the next time Cailyn needed me, I will relay his message. After Ithel explained it to me and after discussing things with him, I totally agree with him. Aellas may be panicking a little too much, but they are right about wanting to protect themselves from the Aellos. For some reason, their rejection of me felt less painful now that I understood them a little bit better. Third, and most importantly, for the next month, I spent more days with Ithel. Alev was always against it, but he never refused my request. I don't ask any other thing from him, though. And I did my best to behave and learn what he taught me in hopes that the next time I ask to spend a night with Ithel, he wouldn't deny it.

Many of the Aellos knew about my visit to the Aellas now. Some even came by Alev's den to ask or even to command me to tell them the reason behind my visit and what exactly happened. Alev told them what I couldn't voice out loud, he told them to go ask Cailyn and to never show on his territory again.

After a while, Cailyn called for me again. This time, he asked me to accompany him and a few other Aellos and we carried many gifts to the Aellas' territory. This time, I didn't venture into their territory. I remained with them and we signaled to the Aellas using the red powder. A while later, a few Aella hunters showed up.

Cailyn greeted them enthusiastically and asked about Leader Sosanbra's opinion. It was Rhonwen who answered him, "Sosanbra, Leader of the Aella clan, sends you her respect and prayers of good health. She discussed the matter with the members of our clan, including the elders and the hunters. She regretfully informs you that we decline your suggestion. Leader Sosanbra believes this will not affect our treaty of peace, and relies on your wisdom and understanding."

The kind and playful Leader disappeared so quickly and was replaced by an angry one. Leader Cailyn didn't even answer Rhonwen. He glared at her for a moment before turning around and leaving silently. The Aellos, myself included, followed him of course. But the bad news was that the Aellos did not deliver the gifts and they carried them back instead.

We went to the Aello village and found many waiting for us, including Alev. The news had traveled about Cailyn's suggestion, and I heard one of the Aellos say that this wasn't a good sign, the Agape was approaching and being at odds with the Aellas may not lead to a smooth mating season. Many others joined in, saying they didn't need to prepare for this Agape, that the Aellas will just need to suffer and learn.

They wanted to hurt the Aellas like the Aellas hurt them. I found that very saddening and completely against Cailyn's original intentions. But the Leader didn't seem to see that yet.

Once the commotion dissipated, I dared to approach Cailyn.

"You're not needed today anymore, kid. You can go home"

Alev pulled me away and we left. I couldn't help but feel heavy-hearted about all of this. And because I kept bothering me so much, three days later, I went to see Leader Cailyn again.

He was in a slightly better mood, but as soon as he saw me he scowled. I knew that look all too well. It's the look of someone remembering something they didn't want to think about.

Aella (manxman) - ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now