My Aella's fears

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AN: Another chapter for my sweet fans ;)




I was stunned into a moment of silence. I didn't know if I should laugh at what I just heard like it was a lousy joke, or set out my weapons and hunt the one who gave him such a suicidal idea.

Finally, I decided to make sure he knew what he was talking about.

"Your Prueba?"


"The test of courage", I insisted. And he nodded eagerly.

"Ceri, dear," I said, trying to sound as calm as possible. "One day you will-"

"No. I'll do it now. Not now now, more like, tomorrow I'll inform the Leader and I'll sail the day after tomorrow"

"You want to sail to another island and live on your own for at least ten days, where you'll hunt on your own?"

"And I'll have to bring something to present to the Leader, just like the Aellos' tradition."

I had no words that could explain how out of the question that was. What stunned me was not the proposition itself, but rather the fact that my Ceri wasn't stupid. He was actually bright and a fast learner in many things. He was still childish and it was understandable. It actually made him one of a kind. But since I knew, he was never this reckless.

"Can I know who gave you this idea?"

He looked away like he didn't want to say. Then he turned to me with renewed determination


"I have to do this. If I do my Prueba, so many things will be better! There will be no more troubles!"

"And what exactly do you hope to accomplish?"

"Um... things"

"What things?"

"You know, important things"

I smiled at his cuteness. "An example would be appreciated right now"

"Like... I'll be strong. No one will doubt my courage and no one will say I didn't deserve to be part of Cailyn's clan."

I frowned. This must've been the words of the Aellos Ceri met because no way would he want to sail and hunt on his own this fast. I wanted to know everything he was thinking about, so I urged him more.

"What else?"

He scanned the stars thoughtfully before he continued. "I'll be able to hunt alone and Alev will be so proud of me. He'll want me to stay with him more and everyone will respect me. They wouldn't fear me, but they'll know that I'm brave and strong so they'll let me live and go wherever I wanted on our territory without a problem. I...... I'll be able to say no on things I don't want and no one could force me. I wouldn't need anyone's protection. Only then I could make my own choices. And also I'll be useful enough to help Alev and-"

"Wait, wait. What do you mean you'd be able to say no? Has anyone told you otherwise?"

Why would he think that he could be forced? The term made my stomach coil into a knot.

"You can tell me and I promise I can help" Of course, I'll go give them a piece of my mind first and make sure they never cross your path ever again. But I'll also mend to whatever hurtful things they said to you.

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