Perfect B

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AN: Hey babies,

I'm writing this half-asleep. Let's see what we got :D



The walk was far from comfortable or comforting.

The sun was slowly moving to a sunset. I was so tired and I couldn't go faster, despite really wanting to. And my feet were hurting already, I was certain they wouldn't look good if checked my soles. But I swallowed the pain and kept walking, with Rhonwen stomping and leading the way, and Drita by my side, still holding a grip on my arm and not letting go.

I didn't notice we had fallen behind until I could barely see Rhonwen anymore. The realization of being alone with Drita forced me to discard Rhonwen hurtful words for now, and think about the other hunter.

"You should've told me you were coming."

We walked over a few roots of a large tree, and then she added. "It was smart of you, though. I'm glad you're finally taking the initiative." She stopped and pulled my arm back to look me in the eye, and I met with her smile again, "But you don't have to do this. It's not very safe for you. Our clan is not very stable for the moment. So leave it to me to come visit you, alright?"

I didn't say anything. I went to resume walking, but her grip tightened on my arm and she moved to block my path. "I think about you every day. The last time we met was... It was so special. I am so proud of you, Ceri"


"and I want you to know that I will reward you for being such an obedient boy. I was very worried before, about you drifting away from me. Not anymore, little bird. You are still compliant and well-behaved, you are still devoted to me"

She spoke so gently, like her words carried so much depth. But they didn't bring me the reassurance she thought I was feeling. Instead, there were strings of fear leaping from my heart and sinking to coil in my stomach.


"You?" her voice trailed like she was taunting me, with a tenderness that didn't calm me in the least.

She stared at me, waiting for a response. And when the words betrayed me, again, I just pushed her hand away from my arm and moved around her.

"You're alright?"

"I-I need to go home-"

She suddenly yanked my hair back and I yelped. " What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing! I-I-I just really need to go before it's too dark! I-I won't find my way home if it's dark"

"No, I'm talking about your attitude! Here I am praising you, and instead of thanking me, you act like a rebellious child? I will not have that!"

I gulped and held her hand that was hurting my head. That instant, I actually was happy to hear Rhonwen's scary voice. "Move your damn feet, Aello! I will not wait for you-"

"SHUT UP!" Drita yelled at her and I flinched. Rhonwen looked surprised by Drita's sudden animosity.

But even Rhonwen knew not to go against Drita.

To my dismay, she glared at us for a moment, then angrily walked away.

"Apologize." Drita barked at me. It was an order, a very clear one. It was the last thing I wanted to do, but if it meant calming her, then fine

"I-I'm sorry" I breathed out. Her frown became less intense as she looked down her nose at me, searching my face for any signs of a challenge.

Eventually, she relaxed a little. But then she put her other arm around my waist and pulled our bodies against each other. "It's alright. You're distracted because of all the changes that you were forced to endure. But you have to make the effort of behaving, even when we parted for a while. I will not let time separate us, Ceri. I'd miss you too much to let you out of my sight for long. I promise I'll visit you more often. Is that why you're rebelling a little?"

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