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My foot repeatedly hit the ground as I bit my nail, my anxiety growing the longer it took for Stella to pick me up. She had agreed to be my ride from the train station to the precinct so that I could meet the captain and get my bearings, but she was ten minutes late as of now. She was aware of how anxious I got whenever I was left alone in a train station or airport for too long, so I knew that she was trying her hardest to get here as soon as possible. I wasn't upset that she was late. It was very well known that her job was demanding, and it wasn't surprising that she couldn't be on time for everything. She was probably chasing down a lead or finishing paperwork that can't be put off any longer. It would happen to both of us when we worked alongside each other in Star City, so I knew that she was trying her hardest to get here. That being said, I still struggled to contain the raging anxiety monster that was trying to claw its way out of my stomach.

As I sat there, I tried to distract myself by pondering just how exhausted I was from the recent events that I'd been going through. Since I had woken up late this morning I hadn't put on any makeup today, so it was blatantly obvious that I hadn't been sleeping very well lately. In all honesty, I hadn't slept since the night of the particle accelerator explosion. I had heard about thousands of people who had been hospitalized because of it, and I'd been wondering if all of them had been affected the way I had. I'd also been trying to figure out how I was able to survive the crash when the doctors told me that I should have been dead due to the head injuries I sustained. The only probable explanation that I could come up with was that the universe wanted my to fulfill my higher purpose before it took my life from me, but it was a weak probability. Elena would have been sad, yes, but she would have thrown herself into her work and eventually found a cure. I'm sure that my mom would have continued popping pills to numb the side effects of life, and I was positive that my father wouldn't care. If I had died, though, it would have destroyed everything that I have yet to fulfill in my life, and that was something that I didn't want to think about right now.

The first week or so after that night took a large toll on me. I felt so wrong every single day that I woke up in the hospital room, feeling as though the room was a cage instead of a place that was supposed to be healing me. Elena came by every day during her lunch break to watch awful soap operas with me since Mom was at home high as a kite. Stella called as often as she could, but she didn't have the time or funds to come out to Star City to make sure that I was still breathing. When I was released, Elena brought me to her apartment since she didn't want me to be alone, and she definitely didn't want me to go home with Mom and Dad. Once I discovered that I had superhuman abilities that I hadn't had before, I had to get out of the city. I went to our beach house in Coast City without much explanation why because I was terrified of what I could do. I was terrified of the thought of possibly hurting my loved ones, and I was going to avoid it at every cost that I could. Sadly, that meant that I had to cut myself off from my friends and my family for upwards of three weeks. I ended up worrying everyone more than I wanted to, and I felt guilty when I finally returned home. I told all of them that I was just experiencing some emotional distress, and that seemed to be reason enough for my absence. No one questioned me after that information was shared, and I could somewhat get back to life as normal.

I really did hate living the way I had been. Even though I had learned to control the powers I was given, I hated the idea of wasting them like I was. It was easy to deal with up until the news of The Flash started circulating around the city. Even though he was 600 miles away in Central City, the thought of there being someone like me doing what I wanted to do made me feel like less of myself. I kept thinking about how there was so much that I could be doing with my powers, and, on multiple occasions, I had contemplated trying to find the infamous superhero and asking for his help. But, once I realized that I had my own hero of sorts here at home, I chose to look more into him than The Flash. It became more tempting once Stella asked me to run the facial recognition software, and I learned who he was, but I was busy trying to make a difference at home first. I wanted to test the waters to make sure that I wasn't going to get myself hurt before joining the big boys like The Green Arrow and The Flash.

Alliance {The Flash/Arrow}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt