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"Ow ow ow ow ow." I flinched as Stella dug around for the bullet in my shoulder. I was flinching away from her rough hands, but she kept pulling me back with the hand that was meant to be steadying me.

On the list of things that I had planned for my night, getting shot was not one of them. I was fine with running into a burning building and helping put out a guy who was literally on fire, but this was not what I signed up for. I especially didn't sign up for Joe being the one to shoot me for something that I wasn't aware of. As far as I knew, I wasn't doing anything that was that illegal, so he really had no reason to shoot me. I suspected that he might have thought that I was committing arson or something like that, but it didn't really constitute him shooting at me. When I stumbled into the loft a bloody mess, I had tried asking Stella if he had ever done something like this before, but she was too focused on making sure that we got the bullet out of my shoulder before I developed lead poisoning. At first, I was all for getting it out of my shoulder because I thought that it would be better to not die this soon in my life, but, at this point, I was thinking death would be much easier and less painful than having my best friend dig through the flesh in my shoulder.

"Stop moving." She instructed.

"Stop sticking your fingers in my bullet wound!" I squeaked, pain coursing through my body.

"You're the one who went and got yourself shot."

"It's not my fault that your partner shot me for no reason other than standing in the street." I pointed out, crying out as she pulled something out of my shoulder. I let out a small sigh of relief as I heard the metal hit the bowl.

"Don't be too relieved." She stated. "I still have to get the tip out."

"There's more?" I asked, looking back at her. "How is there anything left in there?"

"Bullets tend to break up when they hit something, Po." She chuckled. "They also love to separate once they enter human flesh."

"That sounds as disgusting as it is painful." I groaned, leaning more onto the bathroom counter. There was a knock at the front door, and I sighed in relief. "Oh, thank God."

I practically ran away from Stella's prying hands and towards the door. I pulled the chain and unlocked the deadbolt before opening the door, only showing the left side of my body sine the right side was covered in my blood. When I looked up, I saw that Barry was standing outside my door. He had his hands in his pockets and a serious look on his face. I was curious as to how he had learned where I lived and why he was here. I'd only been away from the lab for a few hours, so there was no way that everything had gotten backlogged again this quickly. I'd spent my entire day working through all of the evidence that was there, and I was done with almost all of it by the time I left, so this obviously wasn't a work visit. I casually leaned against the door, putting my left arm up on the doorframe to steady myself due to the dizziness I'd felt from my slight blood loss.

"Hey, Barry." I greeted, feeling Stella run up behind me so that he couldn't see her. "What, uh, what are you doing here? It's kinda late."

"I know, and I'm sorry if I woke you or anything, but there's something that I kind of need to talk to you about."

"Can it wait until morning?" I asked, feeling Stella go at my shoulder again. I masked my squeal of pain with a forced yawn, my voice going a few pitches higher when I spoke. "I was just about to head to bed."

"It actually can't." He stated, shifting his weight. "If it were anything else, I would wait, but this is kind of urgent."

I was about to answer him when I felt Stella rip the last part of the bullet out of my shoulder. I leaned my head behind the door and whispered a few profane words as my shoulder began to throb. "Got it." Stella whispered happily, holding up the body bullet.

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