Twenty Five

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It only took a matter of five days for Harry and Cisco to manage a way to open another singularity with much more control than the last one. During that five day interval, I watched Barry and Oliver grow in the same fashion that I had when I was in Tibet and Japan. I watched as the both of them grew their knowledge of themselves and their previous training in combat. While it wasn't the easiest task for them to accomplish, they both put their hearts and souls into this process, and it greatly paid off in the end. By the time Cisco approached us with the news of their breakthrough, I felt much more confident of Barry and Oliver's ability to take care of themselves when we faced Zoom for the very last time. Barry was now able to focus his mind and heighten his other senses so that his eyesight and his super speed would be more of an asset than a death sentence, and Oliver had much more control over his body and his past than he previously did. Their character growth in those few days was astounding, and it was a beautiful thing to have been a part of. In the process of teaching them, I managed to reconnect with the lessons that I learned over the years, and I felt much more confident in my fighting skills than I had before. Due to the recent events that had happened to my father, I felt much lighter and less haunted by my past since I knew that he was too weak to hurt anyone else in my absence. Together, the three of us were a force to be reckoned with, and I was hoping that it would be enough to finally take Zoom down.

The entire day that had led up to this point seemed like a distant memory. I could vaguely remember anything that happened at work or the small time that I had to myself at home to take some time to focus myself on the task at hand. I'd spent so much of my time before this trying to think about how our final battle with this monster would go down, and now that I was staring it in the face, I had no idea what it was going to be like. I had no idea if we were going to be able to beat him this time, and it was nerve-racking to think that way. I didn't want to see my best friend and the man I loved hurt because my teachings weren't good enough to save them. I didn't want to see my newfound home destroyed because of my failure. I didn't want to see the lives of so many innocent, good people cut short because I wasn't strong enough to save them. Thoughts like this nearly had me crippled, but I forced myself to push them to the back of my mind as I solely focused on all of the good that we were going to do if we managed to take Zoom down once and for all.

After changing into my suit, I found myself standing in front of the surging singularity in front of me. The bitter wind that had now enveloped my body had me shaking partially from its bitter chill and partially from the anxiety that had been raging through me from the moment that Cisco informed us that he and Harry had managed to figure out the formula. Instead of keeping the dangerous black hole inside of S.T.A.R. Labs, Cisco and Harry had opened it on the airstrip so that it would be harder for Zoom to go back into the city from out here. Granted, it would only take an extra second or two of his time to get from here to the heart of the city, but every second counted when we were fighting with someone like him. I was terrified of what lay on the other side of the black hole in front of me, but I knew that it was too late to back down now. I'd come too far to be scared away from this. I'd done too much in preparation in anticipation this moment, and I wasn't going to let him intimidate me into running home with my tail between my legs. I spent my entire childhood hiding in fear because I didn't think that I was strong enough to stand up to the monsters that terrorized me, but that was no longer the case. I was much stronger and much more courageous now, and I would be damned if I were going to let someone like Zoom scare me any longer.

"I feel like we should give it a name or something." Jesse chuckled, stepping beside me as we both looked up at the surging singularity. "Something astrological like Midnight or Galaxy or Nova."

I smiled softly. "It's not a pet, Jesse. It's something much more dangerous and much more powerful."

"I dunno. I had this lizard once, and it nearly took my arm off once because I hadn't fed it for a while." I laughed, glad that someone was able to return my constant joking when I needed it. "Are you nervous?"

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