2. Den Of Wolves

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Before I even have time to blink, I'm in a strange room, and sick to my stomach.

"Ugh..." My knees give out, and I double over, breathing slowly. I will not puke, I will not puke.

"Who's this?" A low voice asks. I peek up at him from beneath my fringe, and immediately wish I hadn't. He's tall and dressed entirely in black, a bandana covering what must be a bald head. If I thought the other man's eyes were cold, this guy's are liquid nitrogen.

"We don't know. Kakashi found her in the forest near the village."

"That's not so strange."

"She asked me to take her here." Kakashi says softly. Talk about throwing me under the bus.

"Hmph. Not too clever, an enemy sending in a little kunoichi to infiltrate the village."

Hold up - enemy? Kunoichi? Infiltrate? Just what do these guys think I was trying to do?

"I was just lost! Look, clearly I've made a mistake coming here, so why don't you point me in the direction of a not crazy town and I'll be on my way." I try desperately. If these psychos think I'm working for some enemy if theirs, I don't want to know what they're willing to do to me.

"Shut up." The tall one snaps. I flinch back, clutching the bunny tighter. It doesn't wriggle this time, just latches its claws onto my t-shirt and shakes.

"What's that, a rabbit? Give it here." He growls, reaching for it. Before I know it, I'm stumbling back, pressing the bunny closer to my chest.

"Don't play games, brat, I said-"

"I'll take it, Ibiki, so why don't you stop scaring our guest?" Kakashi cuts in, calmly plucking the bunny from my arms and holding it carefully.

"... Don't hurt it." I whisper, not moving out from the corner I'd backed into. He doesn't say anything, but...

"This way." The tall one, Ibiki, roughly grabs my arm and jerks me towards a door, large and set securely in the wall. A giant bar holds it in place, and a heavy lock. I have this awful feeling that if I go in, I won't be coming out again.

"No- I won't cause any trouble, I swear! I'll answer any questions you ask me just please- don't take me in there!" I dig my heels in and jerk backwards, but it's no use, Ibiki's too strong, and he easily yanks open the door and tosses me inside. The room is empty except for a cloth covered table against one wall and a lone chair in the centre, made of sturdy dark wood and equipped with shackles that make my stomach turn.

Adrenaline surges, and I twist out of Ibiki's grip with a cry, pain spiralling out from my shoulder, and dart out of the room again, into the waiting arms of one of them men from earlier.

"Oh no you don't, come on kid, you'll tell us what we need to know, and you'll tell us in there. Now be a good girl and behave." He grunts as he hauls me back into the room, to the waiting Ibiki. My heart's beating a mile a minute and tears stream down my cheeks as they force me into the chair and strap me down.

"Please..." I whimper, staring in awful fascination as Ibiki walks over to the table before me and slips his hand under the cloth, pulling out something that glints cruelly in the half-light. Oh god, what are they going to do to me? I squeeze my eyes shut.

"What's your name?" Ibiki's low voice asks.

"Maya." I hate the way my voice trembles.

"Which village are you from?"

"I'm not from any village." An icy edge presses against my cheek and I flinch back.

"Wrong answer."

"I'm from Oxford!" The edge draws away.


"Oxford. It's the name of the city I'm from. Please don't hurt me." My tears are soaking the collar of my shirt, running like lava streams down my neck and chest.

"Name your country."

"England." Silence. Ibiki leaves, heavy footsteps clumping and and large door slamming shut. Relief and panic fill me all at once, relief that he's gone, fear that they'll leave me here, and I sag, trying desperately not to vomit for the second time in an hour. My chest heaves with aching sobs and the pressure on my shoulder makes pain lance through it. I must have dislocated it when I pulled away from Ibiki.

What am I supposed to do now? I'm alone in this room, with only whichever torture implements are on that table for company. The thought makes my stomach turn, and I have to grit my teeth hard to stop myself vomiting. Again. Oh god, I'm not cut out for this.

I hunch further over, using the pull in my shoulder to ground me as I fight for breath.

"You're no spy." A voice comes behind me and I snap upright, jerking around to try to catch a glimpse of my visitor. Not that I'd need to, I'm getting way too familiar with that lazy drawl.

"I didn't hear you come in." My voice rasps horribly and I cough hard.

"That's how I know you're not a spy. That, and any self-respecting shinobi wouldn't dare show weakness when captured by the enemy. So who are you?"

"I already told you! My name's Maya, I live with my parents in Oxford, England. I only want to get home, I don't even know where I am! I'm not trying to infiltrate your village, I just need a way out of here and away from you psycho's!" My voice dies on that last word. Oh god. Oh god oh god oh god oh god. What am I doing antagonising them?! I should be trying to not piss off the man who could most definitely kill me!

Wait - why is he laughing?

He's definitely laughing, and laughing hard, the lightly rasping chuckle sounding deeply out of place in this hellish room.

"Did I say something funny?" My voice is impossibly smaller than before, but he must hear it, because his laughter stops as quickly as it started.

"You really don't know anything, do you?" Great, so now he's mocking me. Though I get the feeling he's been mocking me since he first stepped through that door - I just wish I knew why, and how, for that matter.

"Yeah, fine, I'm just some idiot kid, so go ahead and laugh. Don't hold back on my account." I grumble.

"An idiot kid who's gotten herself into some very grownup trouble." Suddenly any humour in the room dries up.

"... What kind of trouble am I in?" I ask tentatively.

"I told you, grownup trouble."

"Please! I need to know what I've gotten into!"

"Let's just say... It could kill you."

A/N: Let it be known that I can't cliffhanger for shit, but I'll keep trying regardless. So that was chapter two! I'm going to try to keep these chapters short, at just over 1,000 words. I'm also probably going to keep talking into the void like this, so expect these at the end of the chapters and feel free to just skip them.

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