72. The Wrath Of God

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In the early hours of the morning, after Tsuyoshi has settled Maya back in bed and fallen deeply asleep, Masumi slips out of the house and creeps down the dead quiet streets of Konoha.

Kakashi opens his door to her with bleary eyes, groaning; "it's too early for you to he glaring at me like that."

"We need to talk." She says, then pushes past him and into the house. She doesn't come here often, but it hasn't changed since she first saw it.

"It couldn't wait until after sunrise?" He sighs, closing the door and trying hard to wake up.

"No. Sit." She yanks out a chair and takes a seat opposite, fist clasped tightly on the table. He slumps down, sighing again and watching her warily.

"So, what's happened?" He asks. He expects trouble with Tsuyoshi, as rare as that is, or Konohamaru going too far.

"Have you seen Maya recently?" Masumi asks instead.

"No." He answers. Maybe it's a little blunt, but Masumi's never appreciated hedging.

"Why?" She asks.

"We both know that you know the answer to that already." They're too smart for games now.

"I want you to tell me." She insists, barely blinking as she stares him down. The longer she does, the more he feels like an inexperienced genin making yet another mistake. That's a talent unique to Masumi.

"Asuma suggested it."

"And you agreed?" Her expression doesn't shift, but her eyes seem a degree colder.

"Obviously." He nods, and Masumi leans back, arms crossing tightly. Her hands are shaking where they grip her forearms.

"What made you think my brother, however well-meaning he may be, has any idea what's best for you or for Maya?" She asks, and her voice is trembling ever so slightly.

"Asuma and I have known each other for a long time-" he tries to explain, but he knows it's useless. You don't explain yourself to Masumi, you listen to what she has to say or you fight her.

"And what about Maya? Of the two of you, which of you has more experience with her?" She's all hard lines as she stares him down, hard eyes, hard body, hard soul.

"I do." He says reluctantly.

"So let's say you're not a coward running away from responsibility, what should you have done?" She asks, and that bites.

"Now that's going a bit far-" he doesn't move, but her words stick in his chest.

"You should have politely disregarded my brother and stuck by the little girl who needs all the support she can get. Unfortunately for Maya, you are a coward running away from responsibility." Masumi's pulling no punches, plowing on as powerful and immovable as a boar.

"I'm trying to protect her." Kakashi insists, but it sounds hollow even to him.

"You're being an ass, grow up and take care of that little girl." It's the closest she's come to snapping at him in a long time, and it makes him more uncomfortable than it should have. Still, he continues to fight her.

"She's not mine to take care of."

"Dammit Kakashi, she's got no one else!" Masumi slams her hand down on the table and surges up to glower down at him, cold ice turned to blue fire.

They stare in silence, each searching the other's eyes for truth, or perhaps any sign of backing down.

"You feel very strongly about this." Kakashi says finally, and Masumi sits slowly back down in her chair.

"If Konohamaru or Yoko got trapped away from home like she is, I'd want them to feel as safe and protected as possible. Tsuyoshi and I are trying our best, but we can't do it alone. She needs you, and she needs your team, and I'm starting to think we need her too." Her voice is softer now, but her eyes are no less intense.

Maybe he'll never really understand Masumi. Every time he thinks he's got her pinned down, she throws him for a loop. It's dizzying, and frustrating, and it's what makes her so formidable. 

"Say I do bring her back onto Squad 7. She'll have to go out on missions, get put in danger. She might not come back. Are you prepared for that?" 

"Are you?" 

It's a low blow, almost cruel. He clenches his jaw and drops his eyes, staring down at his fist on the table. 

"There's always a risk, Kakashi, but she's stronger than you think she is. And she can be trained - she's coming along leaps and bounds already. Maya's not as helpless as you think she is." Masumi's voice is close to gentle now, low and quiet. 

"Is this what you call being persuasive?" He asks, his voice barely audible even in the silence of the kitchen. 

"No. This is a wakeup call. Maya needs your help, and I know you need hers. This will be good for you." Her hand covers his, a rare display of affection usually reserved for her family. Her eyes aren't cold now, but they're not warm either. Kakashi sighs. 

"I'll talk to the Hokage in the morning." 

A/N: So I haven't updated in ages but in my defence, I've just started university. Imma dedicate this chapter to @snakes_on_a_plane for spamming my notifications with lovely comments. I hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll try to get more stuff up soon! 

Ta-ta ~

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