6. King In His Castle

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I can't help but fidget under the Hokage's unwavering gaze. He's old - really old, his wrinkled skin mottled with brown spots, but while he looks frail enough, the hat he wears low over his eyes and the stoney surety of his eyes make me think he's more powerful than his hunched figure would suggest.

Overall, it's pretty freaky.

"So, you say you're from another world?" He muses softly.

"Yes. Sir." I say quickly, remembering my manners. My grandmother always got very upset when I forgot to be polite. Thank god I remembered to bow when they introduced me.

"Inoichi has confirmed it." Kakashi chimes in, his bored drawl abandoned. He's even standing up straight - almost.

"Hmm..." The Hokage goes back to staring at me.

Don't look him in the eye, don't look him in the eye. I repeat it like a mantra. I may not know as much about Japan as I should, but I know it's impolite to look someone who outranks you in the eye. Grandmothers included.

"Your name is Maya, correct?" He asks finally.

"Yes, sir." I nod quickly.

"How old are you, Maya?"

"12 years old. Sir." I try not to grimace when I nearly forget again.

"Hmm..." Oh no, he's gone quiet again. I bite my lip and hold my fingers tight. If I'm not polite, I could get into even more trouble.

"This is quite the mess you've gotten into." As if that comment was necessary! I snort softly.

"You don't sa-" oops, "I mean, yes, sir." I'm blushing again. If I'm not careful, I'm going to burst something. Lucky for me, the Hokage gives me a small smile.

"Speak freely, Maya. Far be it for me to restrict the words of one from another world." His voice is little more than a murmur.

"... Huh?" Did he just say I could say what I want?

"You don't have to be so formal." He confirms my suspicions. I relax my posture slightly, falling back onto my heels and relishing in the way the tension bleeds out of my shoulders, though it still throbs dully.

"Thank you."

"Now that you've relaxed somewhat, let us discuss what we're going to do with you."


"Obviously we can't just put you out and make you fend for yourself, but we can't give you free reign of the village either." His words make a lead weight form in the pit of my stomach. They're not going to imprison me, are they?

"But - that Inoichi guy said I wasn't a threat!"

"Hey, show the Hokage some respect!" A man I've never seen before moves towards me, but he's stopped by a simple gesture from the Hokage.

"I have allowed her to speak freely. Now, child, we will not be imprisoning you. As you said, you are no threat to us. But you will have to be accompanied by a trained shinobi at all times, if you are to leave your place of residence."

"And where will that be, exactly?"

"A good question. Kakashi," the Hokage raises his voice slightly, "I need you to fetch me Masumi. She should have returned from her mission by now."

"Yes, Lord Hokage." Kakashi nods briefly and then disappears in a puff of smoke. Again. My jaw drops. Holy crap.

"Stay focused, Maya, we have more to discuss." There's a note of warning in the Hokage's voice, and I snap my attention back to him.

"Now, keeping you here can't simply be an act of charity; you'll need to work in order to earn your keep. Therefore... Iruka, go to Kasumi and tell her she'll be getting a new employee as of tomorrow." Iruka nods and leaves the same way Kakashi did. It's no less impressive the second time around.

"Kasumi will work you hard, Maya, so be prepared." I nod, though in truth I'm a little worried. I've never worked before. That reminds me...

"Hey, isn't it weird for a kid my age to start working full time?" I ask with a frown.

"No. I assume it is in your world?"

"Well, yeah. Up until you're 18, your parents are the ones responsible for your welfare. I mean I get that mine aren't here, but in that case wouldn't it be the State's responsibility?"

"You're very well-versed in law, for one so young." The Hokage raises an eyebrow.

"My mum's a social worker. But that doesn't answer my question."

"You're right. Here, it is not strange for children your age to start to learn a craft. Many train to be shinobi, while others learn their parent's work." The Hokage explains. But what are shinobi? I decide to ask - it's not like they can blame me for not knowing.

"Shinobi are warriors. It is their responsibility to defend the village. In times of peace, they take on jobs given to them by residents or outsiders to generate income." He says it all with an air of endless patience.

"So it's kind of like being a multi-purpose soldier?" I'm frowning again. That sounds... Dodgy.

"I suppose."

"When does someone become a shinobi? How old do they have to be?" He said before that they start learning at around my age - does that mean they're all trained and ready to go by 18?

"The typical age of graduation is 12." If I had a drink, I'd be spitting it out right about now.

"Wha- 12?!" Wow, I was way off the mark. But more importantly... "That makes them child soldiers! That's- so illegal!"

"Maybe in your world." One of the other men in the room snorts. I sputter helplessly. They can't be serious.

"You really use kids as soldiers?! But what if something happens to them?" I yell. No one's smiling, or saying 'gotcha'. Is this really normal?

"Then they die serving their village."

It's like all the life drains from the room. Suddenly, I'm icy cold, and there isn't enough air. The Hokage's words echo horribly around my head. They just... Let these kids die? Like they're nothing? How? How could they? What do their parents think? Who would allow their kid to put themselves in a position like that?

"Don't you care at all about what happens to them?" My voice sounds quiet, faint, even to my own ears. This isn't happening. This can't be happening. Just what kind of world have I come to?

"My personal opinions do not matter. They do what they do for the sake of the village, and for their own honour as warriors."

"Don't you try and distance yourself from it! You send them out there! Even though you know that they may not come back! That's as good as murder!" I'm yelling again, my fists clenched and eyes burning and face flushed. It's not right. Kids are not soldiers.

"That is enough!" The Hokage bellows, eyes glaring at me from the shadows of his hat. I stare at him with tears in my eyes. This place - what is wrong with this place?

"Izumo, take her to the hospital. She can stay there for now. We'll finish this once she's calmed down." His voice is cold, nothing like what it was before. I know I've overstepped, but I can't bring myself to care. What they're doing is wrong. I know it is.

"Yes, Lord Hokage." Izumo takes my good shoulder and leads me out of the room and down the hall. I don't fight it, I just let him guide me along, walking down the streets with blank eyes and a grim expression. I made a mistake, yelling like that. I probably shouldn't have, but they're wrong too. Right?

What's going to happen to me now?

A/N: I'm editing this as I go along, but if you spot any mistakes/inconsistencies feel free to point them out to me and I'll correct them. I hope you're enjoying what I've written so far!

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