22. Trainwreck

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"Naruto, get back in position!"

"Sasuke, you should attack from the side."

"Going at it head on would be faster."

"Okay... If you're sure..."

Their voices crackle through my earpiece, and I listen with a scowl. Their first mission is not going well. Kakashi sounds like he's at his wits end, and while Sakura's trying to work as a team, Naruto and Sasuke both want to do their own thing. So much for team spirit. I sigh.

Who would have thought catching one cat could be so damn hard?

Oh wait, it's because I'm working with two hardheaded idiots.

Unfortunately, Kakashi refused to give me a mic so I wouldn't interfere. Which means all I can do is listen to them bicker helplessly. I sigh again and flop backwards onto the grass, staring up at the sky. If this mission could just hurry up and be over so I can actually get something to eat before going to the bathhouse, that would be great.

"Sasuke, listen to Sakura, and Naruto - get back in position."

Hah, not likely. Looks like I'm going to be eating at midnight. Again.

My stomach growls.

I could go get something to eat now, but if someone sees me, I'm toast. I throw an arm over my eyes.

Pretty soon, someone comes to stand over me.

"You're blocking my light." I grumble.

"You're slacking." Ugh, Kakashi's found me.

"Says the slacker. Remind me, how many hours late were you today?" I don't move more than my mouth, and have no intention of doing any more for the foreseeable future.

"At least I don't sleep on the job."

"I'm not sleeping, nor am I working right now." He can't argue with that - sitting somewhere with an earpiece in can't really be classed as assisting.

"Then what are you doing?"

"Hiding." I tell him simply.

"From?" He's probably raising an eyebrow right now.

"You, mostly."

"Your lack of respect is insulting." He really doesn't sound insulted, what with that totally deadpan tone of his.

"Get used to it." I do not snap, but it's a close thing.

Kakashi grabs me by the wrist and hauls me to my feet. Despite his tone, he actually looks a little angry. Did I push it too far? Probably.

"Remember your position here, Maya. You're an outsider, you know no one, and right now your only certain allies are a bunch of immature genin and me. You can't afford to backchat everyone - eventually you're going to do it to the wrong person and get yourself into trouble."

"You're calling yourself my ally? You, the guy who said that if I do get into trouble, you won't come save me? That's rich." I snort.

"That's what this is about? You're sulking?"

"I am not sulking."

"You are."

"I'm not!"

"Shut up!" Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke's voices yell through the earpiece. Ah, right. I may not have a mic, but Kakashi does. I don't know when I started yelling, though.

"And you say we're bad at teamwork." Sasuke snorts.

"Yeah! If you two can't even get along, how are we supposed to?" Sakura demands, and they have a point. We haven't exactly been setting a good example.

"You're right," Kakashi admits, "I apologise. Maya?"

"Sorry guys." I call, hoping they can hear me now that I'm no longer near-screaming. God that's embarrassing.

"Can we get on with the mission now?" Naruto whines, and work resumes. Kakashi keeps me with him from then on, and even gives me a mic.

They finished the mission eventually, but I spent what was left of my afternoon wiping antiseptic on some pretty nasty cat scratches. Sasuke has one on his wrist that I'm pretty certain will scar.

"Ow!" He glares at me.

"Don't be such a wuss." I scold him, and keep on cleaning his cuts. Why am I playing nurse again?

"Your bedside manner sucks." He grouses, almost pouting. Brat.

"You suck in general."

"Now, now, that's enough. Let's end this on a positive note, shall we?" Kakashi smiles awkwardly and waves his hand at us.

"Yeah! Why don't you two try and actually compliment each other?" Sakura says with a smile. Sasuke and I share a look.

"Impossible." We say in unison. Kakashi and Sakura sigh.

I don't think we'll ever get along.

A/N: this one's for @eagle01081 and his addiction 😄 thank you all for reading!

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