VII. where they just have a good time

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(a/n: okay I'm not gonna delete Black Berries because even though it's interracial I still love her this is my child && I can't just throw her away after I did all this work.)


I woke up to the lovely smell of bacon and the early morning sunlight in my face.

I couldn't help, but smile thinking of all the wonderful things me and Zayn did last night.

The way he touched me so gently like I was the most fragile thing he'd ever came close to, and his kisses, oh his kisses were so sweet.

I loved the way he made me feel so loved and cared for not many- actually not any other guy besides my father had made me feel so good about myself so, beautiful in my own skin.

I sat there my smile growing bigger by the second and the sun rising up even higher as if my mood was determining the Sun's actions even though I knew it wasn't.

"Good morning sunshine", I was broken out of my deep thoughts by Mr.Sexy himself.

He stood there with wide smirk on his face his hair a beautiful mess, but a nice plate of delicious looking foods laid on his tray bacon,toast,eggs, a bowl of fruit, and orange juice.

"Good morning to you too,
handsome ", I smirked back, he laughed walking towards me him beautiful hazel brown eyes never leaving mine as he did so.

He sat the tray down sitting Indian style in front of the wooden tray.

"I didn't know you could cook",I said smiling.

"There's lots of things you don't know about me",He smirked winking at me.

I laughed Christ he's so cute.

We stared at each other our smiling a growing, by the second.

I was the first to break away from his magnificent glare, I smiled tucking my hair behind my all too small ear.

I could feel his glare still on me which made me look back up, but instead of his stare I was greeted with a nicely cut strawberry covered in whipped cream being stuffed into my mouth.

Zayn  fell onto the bed in a fit of laughter as I sat there pouting, whipped cream sitting on my top lip as I huffed folding my arms over my bare chest.

"That's not funny Zaynie", I whined he sat up, but continued to laugh.

"I'm.....sorry.....babe",he laughed.

"No you not",I huffed once more .

He sat up sliding over to where I was sitting as his laugh died down, but a smirk was still placed on his face as he pulled his hand up to my face wiping off what I suspected to be leftovers from the strawberry and whipped cream.

"Oh, come on Aryá I'm sorry",he said snaking his arms arm my waist and tickling me basically forcing me to laugh along with him.

I fell onto the bed squirming and squealing as his finger danced on my sensitive sides.

"Ah.....Zayn......stop",I squealed as he continued to tickle me.

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