VII. where he gives a shitty apology

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"YOU'RE doing what",Louis yelled at me as we sat in the limo.

"I'm gonna apologize I mean what I did was wrong I should've done that to her she hasn't done anything to me",I explained biting my bottom lip at the thought of her.

Louis sighed running a hand through his head looking angry "oh,fuck no Harry you don't need to apologize to those nig-",Louis was stopped by Niall and Liam mainly Niall.

"Louis we don't need that, you don't have to be so rude to people just because they don't look or talk like you",he stated looking pissed because this was like the hundredths time he's had to tell me or Louis that we don't have to be mean to others.

"Oh shut the fuck up Ni it's not like you don't call your girl a wetback every once and a while",Louis snickered.

I looked over to Niall his nose began to flare and his fists balled up I'd never seen him so mad.

Before I could blink again Niall lunged himself onto Louis punching him Liam grabbing Niall off of him Louis still laughing.

"She's Cuban you prick you such a racist ass prick that's why nobody fucking loves you or you",he yelled turning his head and pointer finger in my direction, I threw my hands up in surrender trying to keep from laughing at his bright red tomato face.

"The world isn't just for white people think about others for once in you miserably repulsive lives think about someone else",Niall preached as Liam knocked on the window asking my driver to stop so they could get out.

Niall was the first to leave not before flicking the both of us off Liam followed behind him not before saying "You two need to come out the dark ages, different is good".

Closing the door behind him the driver continued our drive to The Hop my favorite restaurant.

"You couldn't just shut the fuck up,"I smirked.

"Fuck you Harry at least I didn't get my ass beat by Donkey Kongs mother,"he groaned.

"That's fucking unnecessary
Louis",I grunted angrily why was he such a racist?

"Whatever Godzilla lover",he smirked wiping the blood from his bottom lip.

"Fuck you Louis",I yelled getting up and knocking on the window and asking my driver to stop.

Once he did I opened the door for Louis "get the fuck out",I plainly stated.

He looked at me shocked like he didn't know me, "look I don't know what the fuck that nigger gal has done to you, but I don't like it get your head straight before she messes you up, white is right",he spoke as he got out of my limo I ignored every word he said unbothered by his words.

"Bye Louis",I smiled closing the door in his face.

I sighed running a hand through my hand sitting back as my driver (who's name I can't remember) started driving again.

Thinking about everything that's happened over the past four weeks Aryá, her boy toy, my now ex best friends I hadn't even noticed my driver had stopped.

I sighed rubbing my hands on my pants "it's now or never",I said nervously exiting the small limo.

Since the limos windows were tinted the sunlight blinded me when I first stepped out going to enter the restaurant trying to find Aryá.

"I knew it daddy missed his baby",Heather came up behind me scaring half the shit out of me, but also making me laugh by her statement which I did.

Which made her mad, but I couldn't help but laugh because she thought she was more than just a one night stand, girls these days.

She huffed walking away pouting I continued my search for Aryá finding her sitting with the boy who's name once again shall not be repeated.

They were talking and laughing they looked happy for some reason seeing her laugh and smile with him made my stomach knot up in a uncomfortable way.

Ignoring the feeling I walked over to their table a cheesy smile on my face, but neither of them noticed me which for some strange reason pissed me off.

I cleared my throat finally gaining their attention, but when Aryá saw me the recent smile on her face faded away; anger replacing it, but I couldn't blame her I have been an ass to her since we've met.

"You ready for round two white boy",she states quite harshly.

Her boy toy laughed she smirked at him which weirdly pissed me off even more.

"No I came to apologize",I sighed scratching the back of my neck awkwardly.

She laughed lightly mumbling something over to him making the both laughed.

By then I was beyond pissed and anger at myself for trying to apologize to that black bitch.

I laughed myself running a angry hand through my hair "you know what fuck it, you know what fuck you you rude ass black bitch",I frowned walking away.

The last thing I heard her say was "awe, the rich racist got mad". I didn't say anything else because maybe she was telling the truth.


This was fun to write Niall standing up for his bbygirl Louis gettin' his ass handed to him just like Harry that made me really happy.

Oh and trust me maybe sooner or later Aryá will forgive Harry........maybe

Anyway how y'all feel about this chapter???





Afrocentric princess

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