Fake Friends

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"Don't worry about her." Drake whispered nuzzling my neck, but I couldn't get her words out of my head. The threat and the warning, what did it all mean? "I won't let her hurt you."

"I know Drake." I murmured as he tightened his arms around my waist. I turned my head, bringing his lips to mine for a moment before pulling away. "I need to go talk to Ginny for a moment." I informed him as I pushed him away.

Jogging down the corridor, I stopped next to Ginny and grabbed her arm pulling her into a classroom.

"What are you doing?" Ginny shrieked but her voice softened when she saw it was me. "You scared me."

"I was just wondering what you thought of Ron's girlfriend?" I asked casually.



"Well she seems nice..."

"Ginny." I glowered at her, sensing that she wasn't telling me everything, and she finally broke under my gaze.

"Harry told me how she threw herself on him one night when I was at quidditch practice." Ginny admitted. "He'd stayed in the common room to do some homework and when he came back he was acting weird. He finally told me after making me promise not to hate him."

"He's not the only one." I told her.


"She went after Neville too, that’s why he broke up with Luna - he felt guilty about it."

"That's not right!" Ginny cries angrily.

"Have you told Ron?"

Ginny shook her head sadly. "We wanted to but whenever we try to Yasmin was always there and the way he looks at her - I think he really does love her Hermione. I can't break his heart."

"But if Harry was cheating on you, not that he would, wouldn't you like to know?"

"I guess so..."

"You should tell him." I whispered.

"Why can't you?"

"If I try to say anything bad about Yasmin we fall out because he won't believe me, but he might believe his beloved sister."

"You're really sneaky Hermione," Ginny commented. "It must be Draco having some weird effect on you."

"You said Draco!"

"I figured if you trust him so much then we should too." Ginny grinned at me and I smiled back.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." She drew me into a hug and I hugged her back.

"I really need to go find Harry now, so I'll see you later. I promised I'd help him with his charms homework." She laughed loudly before walking away from me.

I followed her a few seconds after and as I walked down the corridor I finally realised what Yasmin had meant now.

She was going after Drake next!


Sorry for shortness but it's just a realisation/discovery chapter and a little bit of a filler :( Next update will defiantly be longer and better, I promisee!!!! 

Sorry again and next update in two days! 

In Ruins (Dramione FF)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ