The Trials

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----------------------------------------------------- Vote because it's the trial at long last!!! 

Hermione's Point of View:

I watched him curiously. His face was a mask of emotions that I could only try to pick at one by one. The fear was clearly displayed with his trembling arm that was wrapped around my face and his eyes staring straight forward. Love and anger were also hidden, the two opposites that you never usually found in one place, but here was a good one; he still loved his father, that much I knew, but he was angry about all that he had done. And guilt was inlayed there as well, guilt that he should be in there with his Father on the other side of the wall.

He should be in chains instead of being with me.

We stepped into a lift and I noticed he paused for a moment before pressing the button to take us to the Department of Mysteries. I could still see him shaking, visibly now as we got even nearer to the court where the trial would be taken.

I reached up, brushing my thumb across his cheek as I pressed my lips against his. He stared at me in shock as if I had just transformed into an angel. The wonder in his eyes scared me and I took a step back.

He followed me, pressing me up against the wall as he dropped a kiss upon my lips; it was soft and hesitant and I wasn’t the only one who was nervous, that much was obvious.

“Calm down Drake, everything will be okay.” I promised him, slipping my hand into his as a way of comforting him and a way of comforting myself. He would be all right, as long as I remained by his side and supported him all the way through this, we would both come out on top.

We had to.

“I’m fine Mione, just a bit…”

He didn’t finish.

He didn’t have to.

I rested my forehead against his and we stood there for a few moments, our head touching as we listened to the soft breathing of each other. His hand followed the curve of my stomach and I let out a soft giggle as he rubbed it slowly.

“We can do this.” He said eventually and I nodded in agreement.

When the door of the lift slid open, two different people stood in the doorway. We weren’t the frightened, anxious people that had entered it but a strong, determined couple that could take on the world as we left it.

Walking down the corridor, we ignored the stares and the laughter of our passerby’s, we ignored the squeals of delight at seeing me (part of the Golden Trio), and we even managed to ignore the paparazzi attempting to get the big scoop on our relationship and the trial.

All that we focused on was us and the door at the other side of the corridor.

Drake pushed it open and held it for me as we slipped inside. The room was gigantic. A high ceiling decorated with modern designs hung far above our heads and the chairs rose from the ground in a circular design around a chair in the centre of the room. At the bottom of the stands, a glass panel ran around forming a barrier between us and the chair so that we could not be harmed.

I let Draco lead me around the room and we both took a seat upon a pair of seats about three rows from the front. I looked around worriedly, who else would show up? Narcissa, that much was obvious, but who else would come to the trial?

My question was answered a few seconds later as the door swung open and in marched Kingsley Shacklebolt, the Weasleys and the remaining members of the Order of the Phoenix, as well as a few select people like Elphias Doge.

I smiled at a few of them as they all took their seats around us apart from Kingsley who took his position up at the podium so that he could be the judge of the court.

In Ruins (Dramione FF)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora