First Date

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“So what is the object that they were looking for?”

“It was something so obvious that I can’t believe I didn’t think of it before. It was right at the end that I realised it.” Harry started and he took a deep breath before telling us the story. 


"Well? tell us then!" Ron yelled angrily at Harry dragging out the secret.

“Yeah tell us!” Ginny insisted. I stared with aggravation at Harry as he kept his lips sealed and refused to reveal his secret to us.

“Last year Dumbledore gave you that book Hermione and in that book was a story and-“

Realization dawned on me as I let out a loud gasp in shock causing Harry to break off in the middle of his sentence.

“I still don’t get it.” Ron stated looking between Harry and me with confusion.

“The Resurrection Stone...” I whispered, “But where is it?” I asked Harry. “You said you’d found it but you never told any of us about it.”

“That’s because he lost it so he-“ Ginny explained as she took Harry’s hand nervously.

“I didn’t see any sense in telling you.” Harry finished. I couldn’t stop the smile creeping onto my lips. The ring was lost meaning Voldemort could never come back, even if the Death Eaters wanted to bring him back. Harry quickly explained everything that he could remember about his journey into the forest.  

“But if you lost the ring, then the Death Eater’s can’t bring Voldemort back.” Ron cheered happily.

“The problem is that I don’t think that will stop them, they already know that I know where it is and if it means they can bring him back, nothing will stop them.” Harry warned us.

“So where did you lose it?” Ron inquired.

“In the forest when I went to… Well… You know.” We all glared at Harry as we remembered him giving up his life for us, despite everything we had told him. He let a half-smile enter his lips as he tried to ease up the tension. “And I found it in the snitch: I open at the close was dying. Then I used it and they all came back – my mum, my dad and Lupin and Sirius.” Harry informed us.

“What was it like?” I asked despite myself. Just knowing that people could come back from the dead made me feel excited, but scared at the same time. All those people that we could bring back to life, George could get his Fred back and Harry’s parents could be returned to his side. Hogwarts could have Dumbledore back! We could bring Draco back if he really did…

I diverted my gaze down at his still motionless body. He hadn’t still hadn’t woken, no matter what Madame Pomfrey did.

“I wouldn’t recommend it.” He started before letting out a sigh. “As soon as I found it, I thought I had it – a way to bring back everyone I had loved and lost – but it’s not like that. The stone brings them back but, like the story said, they’re not really there. Only I could see them and they only made me feel worse. Their bodies were transparent like ghosts, except they were solid. They spoke to me with their voices and they all looked the same. Seeing them and then losing them again, it was one of the worst things I’ve had to experience.”

His eyes lifted to look at us and I could see the tears brimming in them as he told us everything.

“So as Cadmus, the second brother, found out, the ring will bring people back from the dead, but they price they must pay is great. For a Death Eater, however, it would be the perfect plan. No one would be able to see Voldemort, he would move like a shadow through the battle and we would not be able to kill him.” Harry explained.

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