Unveiling the Liars

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<----------------------------------------------- Vote because LOSER!!! 

I ran as fast as I could, up the stairs and crashed into our common room yelling for Drake. When he didn't come to me or yell out, I began to panic. I checked his room and the bathroom but he still wasn't there. He wasn't anywhere in the common room.

I was really worried about what Yasmin was doing to him. She had already made a move on both Harry and Neville and I was sure she would do the same to Drake. Especially as he was with me, she hated me.

I turned on my heels and scrambled out of the room and back down the staircase towards the Gryffindor common room. I yelled the password to the Fat Lady and she swung open while muttering a lot of words about how rude students were today. I jumped in and sprinted into the common room. Spotting Ginny to my left, I sprinted to her side and grabbed her hand.

"Have you see Drake or Yasmin?" I demanded loudly.

"No... Ron said Yasmin needed to do homework in the library." Ginny replied slowly. "She hasn't...?"

"She may be about to." I panicked.

"What are you two talking about?" Ron inquired getting to his feet and planting himself in front of us.

I looked at Ginny.

She looked at me.

"Yasmin's cheating on you!" We shouted together. The look on Ron's face was terrible. It was how he had looked when Fred had died, a mixture of despair, disbelief and utter heartache.

"Y-You're lying." He stammered refusing to meet our guilty gazes.

"We didn't want to tell you..."

"But we couldn't not let you know, I want to know..."

"And me..."

"Were sorry Ron but we wouldn't lie to you about something like this." Harry finished.

"What's your proof?"

"She made a move on me and I'm your best friend, do you need more proof?" Harry replied.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Because we knew you like her a lot."

Ron stood in silence, an unknown look upon his face, but he finally looked back at us.

"Let's go find them."

We left the common room in a large group; I was heading it determined to find Drake, behind me was Ron wanting to find the love of his life and see if she had been cheating on him, Harry and Ginny who were there to support their friends in whatever they chose and, finally, Neville and Luna who belonged with us as much as the rest.

Walking down the stairs, I scanned the corridor. Harry's nose was stuck in the Marauder's Map as we trailed along the passages. My mind listed a hundred possibilities of where they could be.

Behind any of these doors.

I might already be too late.

As we continued, we checked every door, every passage but still nothing.

I could feel the time ticking away as we reached the Great Hall and I looked around in desperation.

"We've looked everywhere!" I complained angrily.

"Not everywhere." Luna said mysteriously. "What about your common room?"

"My common room? I already checked there."

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