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<------------------------------------------------------- Vote because I couldn't keep them apart long XXD

"You can't do this Harry! It's entirely unfair on Ginny." I retorted angrily pushing him roughly against a wall as I yelled at him. 

How could something so ridiculously stupid have entered his head? It was just unjust to do this to Ginny after everything she had been through to get him. 

"But Hermione-" 

"I won't let you. I'll tell her then she'll never leave you alone!" I threatened, the anger rose inside of me as I drew my wand from my robes from him. "Don't even dare." 

It had been just a few weeks since Draco and I had had our fight in the Forbidden Forest. I felt sad, constantly, when I saw him walking alone between his classes or when we were sat together in the common room and the tension in the air begged me to break through its strong barrier. 

We hadn't made up. 

We hadn't even spoken since that day. 

If anything could top that feeling Fred had given me when he had said that, this did. The feeling that I still loved him but I had pushed him away so harshly, and without any valid reason, so that we had now we were like this: no talking, no speaking. 

It didn't feel right. 

In fact it felt so wrong but I didn't do anything about it, the nerves that Drake would decline if I begged him forgive me boiled inside of me, spiting me. 

Then Harry had come to ask my advice on how it was best to break up with Ginny. He was afraid that she would get killed if he stayed out with her, the Death Eaters would go after with her to get to him. He was terrified that something would happen. Something really bad, as if he could feel it in his chest. 

I couldn't let Ginny go through what I was going through, I knew they would regret it afterwards. 

"I'm only hurting her Hermione." 

"And I'm sure she'd prefer that to losing you again." 

"Is that what Malfoy said when you ended it with him?" I gasped. Harry glared back at me with determined eyes filled with power as I felt the tears strike me again. I bit them back as I retorted. 

"It wasn't like this." 

"So you didn't break up with him to protect him?" 


"Then why won't you tell us? Help us understand why you suddenly won't talk to each other. Something happened that night, something so bad that it's turned you into this." Harry waved at me dramatically and I ducked my head. 

I hadn't told them, I couldn't tell them that I had used the stone to see Fred. I couldn't tell them what Fred had told me. They'd be ashamed to say the least, ashamed of my incapability to avoid the spell of the stone. 

"What do you mean?" 

"You're not you anymore." Harry sighed. "I admit you and Draco wasn't an ideal situation for anyone but you were happy with him and when you're like this... I'd prefer the Hermione-Draco team to the new you." 

"This is completely beside the point; we were talking about you breaking up with Ginny-" 

"But it’s true isn't it." 


"Hermione go and fix things before it's too late." 

I heard the footfalls and I pushed away from Harry, but not quick enough as was apparent when I saw Draco's face as he marched away back down the corridor. 

In Ruins (Dramione FF)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora