Chapter Two

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"So, what movie do you wanna watch?" Rachel asked me as she fell onto the sofa beside me. Making me, instinctively, bring my arm around her and pull her close to me. It was just a friendly gesture, nothing more, I reminded myself as she wrapped her arm around my waist like she usually did.

Deciding to focus on something other than how we were currently sitting, I answered her question, even though I didn't have an answer to give her, "I dunno, what do you fancy watching?"

"Umm... How about Twilight?"

Hearing her suggestion, I immediately sat pushing Rachel away from me as I glared at her, which only made her chuckle, "No way in hell, am I watching that movie. Ever. Again." I told her, as I shook my head and crossed my arms over my chest.

About a month ago Rachel had made me sit down and watch that movie with her Molly and Jace. I protested. I lost, and swore to myself that I would never watch that movie again, but I was wrong, they made me watch it again, and then one more time after that, and I couldn't handle watching it ever again. Sparkling vampires weren't my thing.

"How about we wait for Molly and Jace?"

Molly and Jace arrived half an hour later, just as Rachel and I had set out bowls of chocolate, sweets and both salted and sweet popcorn onto the table in Rachel's bedroom. We turned down the lights and arranged all the blankets in her room on her sofa, setting up the area for us to sit in and relax.

After another ten minutes of, needless, arguing we opted for P.S I Love You. Not the best choice, but a whole lot better then twilight.

Once we had placed the DVD in the machine we all settled down into our usual places. Rachel and I on her bed, and Molly and Jace on her sofa. Half way through the movie we had managed to finish off all the popcorn.

Knowing that you can't watch a movie without popcorn I volunteered to go and make some more, Rachel offered to help me, we walked into the kitchen laughing and joking about how Molly and Jace are both babies, crying at a movie they've seen a dozen times before.

"You can talk," I joked, nudging her slightly with my elbow, "you get all emotional over anything, and before you know it you're crying, all because the man didn't get the right letter." I said referring to a show we had watched last night, where Rachel was sobbing before the sad bit had even happened.

Rolling her eyes at me, she muttered something I was unable to hear, as she walked past me into the kitchen and looked in the cupboard to find another bag of popcorn.

"Gerard Butler is seriously hot. Even as a dead man." I commented as I waited for her to find the popcorn so that we could microwave, and get back to the film, so I could keep staring at a hot dead ghost.

Turning around to look at me with the bad of popcorn in her hand she shook her head at my comment, "He's not that bad." She said and I couldn't help but feign shock at her comment, which only made her continue, "He's not ugly he's just..."

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