Chapter 22: Damseled

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My face hurts. 

Actually, all of me hurts. I squeeze my eyes shut, my chest burning like it's doused in gasoline.

Oh, boy. What did Cat do?

I open my eyes, allowing the darkness to pull me under. My heart flails in my chest, my breath catching in the back of my throat. Crap. I'm probably in a basement or dungeon, complete with stuffy air and hellish vibes.

A pinprick of light glistens from across the room. I squint. Ching. Ching. Ching. Smack!

Oh come on! Is Cat really playing Flappy Bird?

Then again, that's better than her playing torture-the-prisoner, so I won't complain. A haze settles over me. I shake my head, strands of  black falling away from my mask and out of my sweat-slicked face. Searing heat sits on my chest, and I bite back a moan. I'm weak all over, as if someone dug the marrow out of my bones and stuffed it down my throat.

I lean on a column, the stucco digging into my costume. My mask itches. I move my hands from behind me to fix it, but they're...tied. A veil of panic slips over my senses. I strain forward, cord rubbing against my wrists. Spit! The more I pull, the harder I jam my hands into the other side of the pole. Looks like I'm stuck.

I groan, but all that comes out is a weird 'mm' sound. The lower half of my face tingles, like it's stretched and smothered in places. My heart skips, and not in a good way.

The phone game goes silent, the screen clicking off as a girl chuckles. Great.

"You're awake, huh? I thought you'd never come to."

I give an acknowledging grunt. What does she want?  My stomach sloshes, my burning chest as painful as ever.

She flicks her phone on again, the blast of white light burning my eyes. I tilt my head towards the ceiling to avoid her stupid smirk. If she wants amusement, I won't give it to her.

"It's the weirdest thing, talking to you and not getting a snarky response," the villain says as she circles.

I crick my neck, glaring down at her. Who does she think she is? She leans on a sword, studying me under her ugly mask.

"Huh. When you don't talk, you're kind of tolerable. Maybe that's why Galaxy likes you."

I snort, one of the few sound effects the gag allows me to make. Galaxy doesn't like me. She's guarding me, like a warden. 

Cat tilts her head, batting her eyelashes. "It's supposed to be romantic you know, saving the one you adore. It's too bad I'll have to foil your hero's rescue."

I blanch. So that's why she's holding me here! A dude in distress: the perfect bait for a hero. My searing chest tightens. I furl and unfurl my fingers, breathing in the heavy air.

The city needs Galaxy more than I do. All those innocent people hold their heads up to her. She's, like, their inspiration.  I can't deprive them of that. I can't let this villain hurt her.

I strain at my ties, but any remnant of superstrength is...gone. I pant, quaking. How could I be so weak?

"Nice try. You're even more pathetic than your friend, the one with the cat ears."

Hope stirs in my chest, which slowly morphs into dread. What did she do to him? I shoot her a begging glance, and she clarifies.

"Did his disappearance scare you? He's alright, hun. You'll meet him again soon. It'll be so touching! Two old friends, reunited!"

He's alive! But what did they do to him? I struggle again, but I'm even weaker. Every exertion leaves me shuddering from the effort, Cat calming watching.

Damsel[ed]: No Rescue RequiredWhere stories live. Discover now