Chapter 38: Turning Tables

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I blink, the words seeping in my head like bear grease.

No. I don't want to believe it. This woman ripped Heaven's neck open without a second thought! She tried to choke me to death!

Heat races behind my face, my head aching so much it hurts to think. I try to keep my breathing steady. I can't cry here. I'm supposed to be strong for my friends. My thoughts whirl faster and faster, like falling dominos, each little thought of my missing parents hurts more and more.

My 'family' knew June had me, but they wouldn't touch me until my powers showed. They didn't care about their son, they only wanted a tool. When that Owl woman saw me and decided I was damaged goods, she chose to kill me.

I stare at her. My aura flares a teensy bit more, as much as it can after all that stupid obsidian. The Big and Bad in me pushes to get out, but I kick it back. The room's deathly quiet. I bet the villains expect me to pull a Luke Skywalker and I should, after all, when a Star Wars fan learns his parent is the person who tried to murder them a few minutes before, it's only respectful for the fan in question to scream 'Noo!'

If I ever leave this miserable place, I'm donating all my Star Wars comics. No disrespect to George Lucas, but I don't think I can stomach the stuff anymore. Gatsby's copy of Star Trek: Into Darkness goes too, thanks to Jaylin. He'll more than understand it. He'll probably take a two-hour drive to the countryside to burn the DVD in a bonfire.

"No." It comes out reflexively. I clench my shaking fists. "I don't have parents."

I remember how Storm and June sat me in front of all those princess cartoons as a kid and wouldn't let me watch anything above a G-rating until I turned a whopping eleven. While other little boys played with their Ninja Turtles and shot their cap-guns, they taught me about peace, cooking, and folding laundry. Now I know why they were so protective.

They didn't want me to become the monster my "parents" are.

Owl rolls her uncovered eye. Hot tears well in mine. I should've seen this coming, but no, I was so distracted with my 'normal' life I pretended my stupid parents didn't exist.

The woman reaches to touch me again. I slap her hand away. "Leave-me-alone!" I gasp to breathe. "Leave my friends alone!" The tears claw their way down my face in an angry, red-streak way.

I think of the time Heaven cried the same way after leaving Wolverine Origins, and how I hugged her and shushed her until she calmed. I also think of Gats after he was 'catified.' Hev cradled him for a full fifteen minutes, going so far as to coo him the lines of a lullaby. To put it simply, as much as we insult each other and fight, Gats, Hev, and I care about our herd. My "mother" on the other hand, just gives me a disgusted look as I break down cog by cog by cog in front of her freaking face.

"Feisty isn't he?" Electra says. My pulse races, heat flooding my cheeks. Can't they see I'm not okay? I'm not asking for a cookie and a pat, just for them to shut up about how 'cute' or 'feisty' I am. I'm not a puppy!

Jaylin grumbles from a corner. I think of Heaven, and I itch to really punch this Owl lady. Do these people have souls? How can they just stand there while she dies! She's a kid! Didn't they want her alive before? Why can't they make up their minds!

Fallout digs his grip deeper into my shoulder. "Lucifer..."

I hold my breath and blurt the only thing I can think. "I'm sorry! I'll...I'll do anything you ask, but my friend's hurt. I'm begging you, get her some help."

Owl raises an amused eyebrow. "How heroic," she says, crossing her arms. "James, if we want to conduct a deal here, I'll move off your territory in exchange for this one."

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