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The waitress turned to where the voice was from and found the duke walking towards her direction horse in hand. She immediatley scribbled words of inquiry on her pad, but failed to finish it when the duke had taken hold of her wrist. As she looked up at the man before her, she saw seriousness across his visage before his lips flashed a tight smile across his face.

"May I be so bold as to ask questions that may be of personal level?" he asked.

Esther's eyes searched his face for who knows what. Was it worry? Embarassment?
She nodded, concededly agreeing to his wishes, so he showed his appreciation by showing her his set of bright pearly whites which she returned with her gap-tooth smile. The duke motioned his hand to go forward for a walk, so Esther started doing so while he ambled by her.

"Who was the man who brought you here by horseback?"

Esther looked up at him with startled eyes as if culpable. But she managed to write 'A friend' in reply.

"You have quite a lot of friends, Esther." Cavendish examimed her in a moment with squinted eyes. Was 'a friend' an excuse or was it the truth? If only she would elucidate things like how his business partners explained the advantages and disadvatages of the product on the market or how the female debutantes explained every single mistake they make in order to look good to him. Her silence about these matters intrigued him, and he wanted to lift the fog.

"What is his name?"


Ah, the maker of the pen. The duke thought, remebering Mr. Brooks information from yesterday. There was a tap on his shoulder, and looking at his companion, saw the pad she flashed before him. 'What about you? What are doing in the outskirts of town?'

"To see you." He said with honest eyes casted upon her. Well, he was supposed to purchase clothes, but seeing her today changed the agenda.

She stared at him in a single moment of bemusement before looking away to scribble a reply. 'Did you forget the way to the entrance of town?'

Cavendish laughed at this written statement, causing Esther's brows to wrinkle and her lips pressed to a thin line in confusion.

"Do you know how to ride a horse?" the duke asked, seeing that maybe this was getting uncomfortable for the waitress. Maybe he could ask her another day?

'A little.'

"That's good enough!" The next moment, he carried her so that she would be mounted on the horse. "Can you ride alone?" At this statement, Esther held his arm tightly and shook her head vigorously, her eyes wide, in a most unladylike manner. As if being ladylike was still valid for Esther. Cavendish thought. She pulled his arm up several times, imploring that he ride with her. An excited and satisfied smile came across his face. He liked this. He liked her depending on him.

Mounted he behind her and reached for the reigns. But before he could do so, Esther had her hands on it. She looked up at him, her once terrified eyes now dancing in excitement. And with one swift touch of the reigns on the horse's skin, they were running! The duke held her waist as it was his only support. What was with this confusing woman?!

"You just couldn't ride alone after all, could you?" he said while her laugh sounded in his ears. She had a voice! He thought that her mouth would never make a sound! It was only words she could not speak. He wondered what it sounded like to hear words flowing from her lips. "Esther, have you ever spoken a word?"

A nod from the rider.

"When was the last time?"

The horse went to an immediate halt. The duke, surprised by the sudden event, leaned in towards Esther's shoulder to get a better view of her face. All the color was drained from it and her brown orbs looked terrified as if in recollection of a horrible memory.

"Don't answer. It's fine." he commanded. Though he wanted to know her reply, he found it hard to watch her like this. He unmounted himself from the horse before carrying Esther down. She still looked horrified! What could be the reason?!

"A walk may calm your nerves, Esther." But she did not budge from her post. And it was not long after that her eyes watered and down came her tears. Thunder an' turf! He never wished for such a sight! Abandoning all thoughts of propriety, the duke wrapped his arms around the crying woman in every hope of comforting her. How can a person with agog eyes just a while ago suddenly burst to tears like this? Was it such an appalling memory he triggerd?

"Hush now, dear Esther. Hush. It's alright now. I would never ask such a question again."

Esther laid her hands on his broad back, making the duke hug back tighter while he caressed her head in downward strokes. And so a silent understanding was made between them to stay as they are until the waitress calmed down.

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