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"A ride is permitted by the weather." Emma said as she climbed down the stairs of Bellsover, looking out the glass windows that unstintingly lit the enormous Jacobean lobby. The duke left the castle as dawn began to bathe the land which was a little too early for the lady, so she was informed of his departure instead by a maid. The day was fairly calm, and the sky was clear. She needed to wash, even a little, this overgrown dirt of a worry in her heart for her sister's whereabouts and the huge lump of sorrow that Philip has made in her chest.

"Good morning, my dear!" A familiar voice greeted the lady, removing her conciousness from her worries. And there stood Lady Emilia Cavendish- the duke's mother- at the end the staircase, beaming at her excitedly. Emma found her a very calm and understanding lady. Indeed she was perplexed upon the arrival of his son with herself as his companion. But instead of lashing prejudice at her son for such an unceremonial invitation of herself to their abode, she sat down and listened to his explanation regarding the situation.

She trusts the Lady Cavendish for her silence regarding the matter of the Carlisles which was particularized by herself and the duke in his study the night of their arrival. The lady listened well, gave appropriate reactions to some shocking parts of it (which was a lot), and finally nodded in understanding after their long account. Emma remembered the lady smile endearingly at her son before putting her hand over his and said "I trust you, Seth." She could not help but feel a tinge of longing in her upon the sight of mother and son. Had their mother lived, would she be the same as this?

"Good morning, My lady." Emma bowed before walking towards Lady Cavendish.

"Oh you are a sweet girl." She took Emma's arm to wrap it on hers as they began to walk towards the garden. "Walk with me, will you? My nerves aren't doing very well since Seth has been coming and going the castle more frequently than before."

"Then I hope my company satisfies you, my lady."

"You know, dear, I have been in the habbit of walking round the gardens lately. And I couldn't help but notice you in it as well. You look far, think far." the lady observed.

"Well I just miss my sister so much, my lady. I want her safe." Emma admitted.

"Mhmm. Very understandable. But no more thing occupies you?"

Emma looked bewildered at her companion who smiled knowingly at her before squeezing her hand.

"I have seen your stares towards your stable hand from time to time, and I know the look very well. I mean I wish to see the look on my son too when he has finally found the one. And that is exactly what I have seen as he described Miss Esther Carlisle. It made me happy."

"O-oh, I see..."

"Have you told the man of your partiality? The stable hand I mean."

This was incredulous! The lady did not judge her affections at all but encouraged it! Now she knew where the duke has gotten his values from.

"One must always marry for love, do you not think so?"

"Y-yes. I have told him, but he refused me." She admitted once again, lowering her head in apparent embarrassment. Both mother and son are very forward indeed! Every juice of truth was immediately squeezed out of her!

"What?! A beautiful maiden such as you?"

"You see, my lady, he did not want me to have an uncertain future. But I did not care about that! I know my annuity will stop if the earl perishes, but during that time we could've already earned enough for a family! And I know he is not a lazy fellow, for we grew up together. I just...want him to be strong too."

"Well then!" Lady Cavendish exclaimed. "I think you should head to the stables and have a ride!"

After breakfast was over, Lady Cavendish immediately retreated to the music room after giving Emma a good dose of encouragement. And so to the stables she went with hopes of having a good conversation with Philip. She did not want it to end with tears like before. Philip had just arrived the stables from a good run when she arrived.

"I want a ride too, Philip."

The stable hand immediately turned to look where the voice came from. He stared for a moment before managing a thin smile and looking away, off to get her a horse. This cold action once again. It has been like this ever since their last conversation. He was clearly uncomfortable around her, and his actions sent a pang in Emma's heart. But before her eyes betrayed her for tears, Philip had managed to untie the reigns of a brown horse and assisted her to mount it.

"Thank you." she said and went on her way.

"Emma, wait!"

She immediately turned her head and saw Philip mounting a horse, ready to chaperone her. This was not comforting. She needed to be alone for the interim, for all of Lady Cavendish's encouragements started melting away. This will not do! She cannot talk to him after all.

"It's quite alright, Philip! I don't need assisstance! I can ride alone."

But Philip did not heed her. He only follwed close while she rode the vast land that is available. An hour passed, and Emma decided that this was enough ride for the day. She talked not to Philip even if he started conversation, afraid that her bottled up emotions would come out. But before heading inside the comforts of the castle, a voice she did not want to hear spoke up.

"Emma, are you alright?"

She nodded.

"Are you hurt anywhere?"

She shook her head and went on her way, but Philip's strong hold of her arms stopped Emma from her tracks.

"Please look at me, Emma." He beseeched, but the lady was unmoved. "Please."

"Do you not feel umcomfortable? Let us not prolong this meeting."

Emma was able to free herself from the warm clutches of Philip, but she did not escape his sudden pull of her wrist so that she would land on his chest with his arms wrapped tightly around her.

"Please do not do this. Do not avoid me."

"I do not wish to." She said, her voice shaking. "But it seems that I make you umcomfortable."

"By Jove! You do not! Of course you do not!" He exclaimed, planting kisses on the lady's head. "I was just...nervous. Your presence affects me so much, Emma."

"But why did you push me away? Riches? I do not care about that, Philip! Future? I know you will take care of me and I you! Only that is enough for me."

And it seems these words satisfied Philip as well, for he did not take a moment to press his palm to her cheeks and lift her head for a most gentle and skin-tickling kiss.

It did not take long for the Lady Emilia Cavendish to notice a certain understanding between the love birds. She smiled to herself upon the sight of the two walking hand in hand in the field, and remembered when her Henry was still alive. His death had brought her sadness, and it is some cruelty of Fate that she grew to love him more now that he is gone.

But her reminisence were halted by the sudden voice of a woman from behind. A maid announced an arrival of a visitor. The lady's eyebrows met in perplexity, for she did not expect any guests today. But a visitor is a visitor and must not be kept from an audience with the master, in this case mistress, of the house.

After quite a long walk from her quarters, Lady Cavendish arrived at the bounteously lit drawing room of her own abode. And as soon as she entered, the sight of her visitor sent shivers down her body: Ivory skin, long black messy hair set upon her shoulders, dark brown worried orbs. This is Emma! But no. She is with the stable hand. Then who is this? Ah, but this was immediately answered by a scribble of a freckled hand on a small pad necklaced around her neck.

'Good morrow, my lady. My name is Esther. I hope I am not too churlish as to request the audience of the duke himself.'

Flashed. This and the lowest of curtsies- in beseech.

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