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Another bottle of sprits will surely do the trick. The Duke of Devonshire stood by the window of Emerald hotel somewhere in the heart of Liverpool. Plowing of the land there will start tomorrow week, and Mr. Francis Parker is very honored indeed to be tennant of His Grace's land. Cavendish partiicularized every single advantages of the proposal to the gentleman, and the latter did nothing much but nod his head at the concise and sensible account of his landlord. And with a hand shake and several bank notes, the deal was sealed. It was just the second day of his stay, and business letters from several gentlemen and lords came to him consecutively, but this did not help him forget about a certain gap-toothed lady at all! However will he find Esther now?! He had tried everything he must but to no avail. Esther, where are you?

There was a knock on the door, and he turned to look at it as if expecting the woman of his thoughts would appear when the door opened. But, alas! A maid spoke 'Posts have arrived for you, Your Grace."

"Come in."

The maid settled the letters on the duke's writing desk before leaving her master's room. Letters once more...He was getting tired of all these, for he wanted to indulge himself in the thought of his beloved. But duties are duties.

After he had taken a good swig of the glass of spirits, Cavendish tended to his posts once more. Three letters; The first is from Lord William Cox from Northumberland. Flipped. The second is from a Mr. Kenneth Winscot from Bristol. He shook his head and flipped it too. Not now. His mind was not for business at the mean time. But one look at the third made his eyes widen in excitement- Philip from Bellsover Castle, Derbyshire! Thunder an' turf! What could he have found out?!

Good day, Your Grace!

Esther is at your residence. We will explain more of this upon your return.


"Hello, there! (A maid came in.) Prepare a horse! Now!"

The duke spasmodically took hold of his coat and wallet before heading for the door. For how it happened, he did not dwell first. That is not of utmost importance. For goodness sake, Esther is found! At long last she is found!

When a horse has finally arrived, Cavendish took no more time and mount it, commanding his valet to fix his things and follow after him towards Bellsover castle. For he had to return to Derbyshire now. He had to see her. Esther is home!

Cavendish had to stop at several inns just to get home. Derbyshire was a good hundred miles from Liverpool! But the weariness he did not feel at all. He was tired enough waiting. How then can he be tired when this month-long problem has been solved?

It was dawn a day after that he had finally saw the familiar Jacobean exteriors of his abode. The excited duke unmounted his horse and boorisgly ran towards the entrance of the castle upon which he was greeted by his manservant. But no word, no greeting was heard from Cavendish's mouth. He barely even heard the manservant welcoming his return! His eyes frantically searched his own lobby.

"Esther..." the duke mumbled.

"Sir?" inquired his manservant.

"Esther! (He shook the servant's shoulder.) Where is Esther, man?!"

"U-um...Esther, Sir? Ah could she be the silent lady?"

But a voice had disturbed their conversation. "Seth, dear. You are home?!"

"Mama! (The duke held her hand.) I-I have to see her."

The lady smiled cognizantly at her frenzied son.

"Go up this flight of stairs. Seventh room to the right." She patted his son's hand and smiled endearingly while the duke managed to give the same in return before setting forth.

An immediate halt. Cavendish breathed heavily, and his heart pounded like drums in his chest. But no more waiting! He closed his eyes, took the knob of the wooden door, and entered as quietly as he could. There lay on the mattress of the guest room was the gap-toothed lady, in a peaceful slumber. He inched closer...slowly. The freckles were there unlike Miss Emma Carlisle's porcelain ivory. This is Esther. She is safe. Involuntarily, the duke's eyes blurred in tears and his legs wobbled , kneeling him to the ground. The tears did not fall, for he had wiped it as soon it was there. He looked at Esther instead and a smile crept to his face and then small chuckle of relief.

"Your Grace." a woman whispered from behind him.

"Miss Carlisle." he whispered back.

"Come now. Let her take a good rest. We will explain it to you after you have taken a rest as well. Please, are you not tired too?"

As if on que, his body reacted to these words. Weariness slowly sank in, and he felt his eyes grow heavy. He had not had enough sleep for the past month. So he gave the lady a nod before slowly carrying himself up the best he could before looking back at his beloved before heading towards his quarters.

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