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"She's not in Sheffield, Leeds, London, Bath, Glasgow, Swindon, Bristol nor Northumberland!" The duke complained before a good swig of whiskey for his tired self. He stood by the grand glass windows of his study in Bellsover castle his mind as messy as ever. It has been more than a month since they- himself, Miss Emma Carlisle, and Philip -arrived at his residence in Derbyshire and still no trace of the gap-toothed freshness he has been longing for, Esther Carlisle.

He had already forgotten how he got used to her prescence, how it drugged him to addiction, that her absence caused this much disarray in his once composed self. Is she safe? Does she eat well? Is she even...alive?- were the questions that bugged the man all day while his horse treaded different regions of England in search of his beloved. His stomach always turned to knots in thought of the latter question. He did not want to consider such a tragedy! For he was sure that if a news came of Esther's demise, a certain earl in Northamptonshire will have his share of the same fate- worse if he would have it.

Although, he would occassionaly arrange business meetings in the places mentioned just so something would be fruitful out of his visits. But even if businesses were going well, he instead wanted Esther by his side right now- safe and sound.

Cavendish felt restless and disappointed with the many dead-ends that Fate slapped on him. It just made Esther too distant for his sight and touch even more. And by Jove did he miss her gap-tooth smiles and skinship!

"I need to depart to Liverpool tomorrow. There is new business to be discussed in there." Ah! Another memory of Esther. He remembered it was she who suggested an oak plantation and vinery there. Massaging his temples, he turned to the table where his whiskey bottle called upon him for another good gulp.

"Do you have anymore tasks for me, Your Grace?" Philip asked expectantly. Cavendish understood the stable hand's worries, but their almost everyday exertions have aged this young man with weariness.

"None of that." The duke waved his hand in dismissal. "Rest for tomorrow. I'm sure Miss Carlisle have been longing for your company."

He did not help but notice the expeditious colouring of the stable hand's face at the mention of Miss Emma Carlisle. His affections for the lady were evident, yet he hides it because, obviosly, of status- a practical fellow. But it is a great pity to not marry for love. He thought of how to help this poor man with his pursuit (if he's even planning one) in the long run, for Philip has helped him so much with Esther.

"Come on, man! I am not blind as to not see your affections towards the lady."

An even hightened colouring was upon the stable hand's visage as he casted a shocked look towards the duke. "Y-your Grace?" Philip stammered. But before Cavendish could respond, a soft knock came from the door.

"Come in." the duke permitted.

And without a moment's notice, the door swung open and revealed a very perplexed and worrried Miss Emma Carlisle. "Any progress with Esther, Your Grace?"

"My lady!" Philip exclaimed as he immediately ran towards the lady.

"Believe me, Miss Carlisle, that if there is progress you will be the first to know." the duke said, managing to button up his undershirt that exposed his bare chest. Philip will surely be perturbed if his beloved lady would see such from another man.

"Philip, please take Miss Carlisle to her quarters."

"Yes, Your Grace."

"Have a good night." The duke teased before the love birds closed the door behind him, not missing the hint of malice that they were sure he intended.

Moth Among ButterfliesOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara