Chapter 3

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The sound of his feet beating against the pavement echoed in Mark's ears as he ran after Lexie. He moved urgently, not fully understanding why he couldn't let this opportunity pass him by. Perhaps he knew that this was one of those choices that would define his life, or perhaps it was instinct, but either way, he just ran. He couldn't see her at first, but as he rounded the corner which led to the street, there she was crossing.

"Lexie!" He yelled, running across the street after her.

A car swerved to avoid hitting him and honked its horn.

"Are you crazy?" Lexie yelled at him, when he stepped onto the curb. "You could have been killed!"

"Would you have cared?" Mark asked, still slightly breathless from running.

"Of course I would have," Lexie said. Then, trying to qualify what she said, "In a general caring about my fellow humans kind of way."

Mark took a small comfort in the fact that she cared about his safety. "I need to talk to you."

"What, and you thought charging headfirst into traffic was the way to do it?" Lexie asked, still shaking.

Mark moved closer to her, touching her shoulder, his other hand hanging at his side, still holding the mistletoe. "You're trembling," he whispered.

Lexie jerked away. "I am fine, Dr. Sloan." Her words held no malice, but she was deliberately putting up the professional wall between them, irking Mark to no end.

"Mark," he said.


"My name is Mark. I have seen you naked; I think it would be acceptable for you to call me by my first name."

Lexie shuddered at the mention of nudity, her mind teasing her with memories. "I don't think that is a good idea, Dr. Sloan," she said, adding emphasis to his name. "If we are going to remain professional then there have to be boundaries. We can't be calling each other by our first names, and you can't be chasing into traffic after me. There have to be limits. You said you wanted—"

"I know what I said," Mark cut it. "But I want to take it back."

"You can't do that," Lexie sputtered. "You said what you said. And when you said it—"

"Lexie," Mark said impatiently.


"You're babbling," he said, as he pulled her close to him and lowered his head to hers. His lips moved gently across her own, as if they were asking permission to be there. If kisses had words, Lexie was certain that this kiss said: Please, forgive me.

When Mark pulled back, Lexie lifted her brown eyes to meet ice blue ones. "Why did you do that?"

Mark shrugged and held up the sprig of mistletoe in his hand. "'Tis the season?" He said with an impish grin.

Lexie chuckled, and then frowned. "Not fair," She said.

"What's not fair?" Mark asked as he kissed her again.

"I want to stay mad at you," she said against his lips.

"How's that working out for you?" Mark asked with a laugh.

Lexie grabbed the collar of his leather jacket and said, "It isn't," as she kissed him again.

Mark pulled her tight against his body, savoring the feel of her and trying to make up for the nights she hadn't been by his side. He marveled at the way she fit perfectly against him, and he promised himself he wouldn't be so stupid again.

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